
Can We Do Anything About America’s Decline?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Twenty-first-century America was on a trajectory of gradual decline—until it began to implode. Was the accelerant the COVID-19 pandemic and unhinged lockdowns? Or was the catalyst the woke revolution fueled by the 2020 summer of exempted rioting, looting, arson, and violence? Or was it perhaps the deranged fixation on removing […]

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Can We Do Anything About America’s Decline? Read More »

Mexico Is Not Really an American Friend

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Left-wing Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador recently praised a visiting Joe Biden: “Just imagine: There are 40 million Mexicans in the United States—40 million who were born here in Mexico, [or] who are the children of people who were born in Mexico!” Why wouldn’t Obrador be delighted? Since Biden took office

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Mexico Is Not Really an American Friend Read More »

If You Really Wanted to Destroy the United States, Then . . .

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness First, you would surrender our prior energy independence. Reduce new gas and oil leases on federal lands to the lowest levels of any president in history. Cut back production at precisely the time the world is emerging from a two-year lockdown with pent-up consumer demand. Make war on coal and

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If You Really Wanted to Destroy the United States, Then . . . Read More »