Angry Reader

VDH UltraFrom a Not Angry Reader 05-22-2024

Dear professor Hanson, As at first a curious listener to your podcast trying to understand an academic pro-Trump perspective, over the years you have convinced me with your empirical ontology and deep historic and classical knowledge. Many of your arguments against left wing ideology have struck deep, being raised by baby-ber’s in the organic/antroposophic mindset …

VDH UltraFrom a Not Angry Reader 05-22-2024 Read More »

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VDH UltraDear Angry Reader Greg Allison, Part Three: Ukraine

7. This part of the world is not unlike the convoluted history of the former Yugoslavia. Crimea itself had been part of the Ottoman Empire but was annexed to Russia in 1783 by Catherine the Great. It remained Soviet until the USSR’s breakup in 1991 (Note that the Russians lost over 500,000 casualties vainly trying to save Crimea from the Nazis in …

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VDH UltraDear Angry Reader Greg Allison, Part Two: Ukraine

4. Putin crossed national boundaries (Georgia/Ossetia; Donbas; Crimea; the Kyiv area) in three of the last four American administrations (Bush, Obama, Biden), but not during the Trump administration. Most likely, Putin could not predict what Trump might do in response and so he was deterred. Thus, keep in mind that the leftwing claim that it is on the van of pro-Ukrainian support is contradicted by …

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VDH UltraAngry Reader 04-26-2024

From an Angry Reader: Norman Schwarzkopf: “I never want to be in a fair fight” … nothing wrong with preponderance of power — Proportional response is stupid and harmful. BUT do not call the Gaza incursion as revenge … it is not. it is to teach that the cost of waging violence against Israel will not be worth the expense. J Morgenstern Ann Arbor, …

VDH UltraAngry Reader 04-26-2024 Read More »

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