Historian’s Corner

VDH UltraThe Long Road to November. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson We still do not know whether most culpability for the failed security during the Trump attempted assassination was the fault of the Secret Service, the FBI, local law enforcement, or all three combined. Instead of clarity, we are witnessing mutual recrimination and absurd blame gaming. The takeaway from such utter incompetence was …

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VDH UltraWhat Should a President Trump Do? Part Seven: DEI/Tribalism/Woke (Continued)

Victor Davis Hanson DEI casts suspicion on all hiring. So, the public asks: Was that fly-around on a recent flight due to a DEI pilot or aircraft controller? Is the anti-Semitic epidemic at elite campuses due to the exemptions granted DEI “victim” students who under their woke binaries claim they cannot themselves be oppressors when …

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VDH UltraWhat Should a President Trump Do? Part Six: DEI/Tribalism/Woke

Victor Davis Hanson The United States until recently was the world’s only multiracial, well-functioning, large democracy/constitutional republic. India and Brazil are plagued by poverty, violence, and political discord. Other nations do not attempt multiracial/multireligious/multiethnic paradigms lest the project turns out like the Balkans, Rwanda, or Iraq. Instead, nations usually encompass blood-and-soil commonalities of religion, race, …

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VDH UltraWhat Should a President Trump Do? Part Five: The Budget (Continued)

Victor Davis Hanson Too many wealthy citizens only pay capital gains taxes at a reduced rate rather than income tax on their annual revenues. And too many of the one percent have the wherewithal to pay no tax, given the labyrinth of loopholes and deductions their brilliant but costly accountants mine. Yet, they are not …

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VDH UltraWhat Should a President Trump Do? Part Four: The Budget

Victor Davis Hanson The U.S. is broke. It owes over $35 trillion, mostly to American and Chinese bond and T-bill holders. The interest alone costs nearly $1 trillion, larger than the annual defense budget. The aggregate debt is now 123 percent of the annual GDP. Each American resident owes some bondholder about $103,000. How can …

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VDH UltraWhat Should a President Trump Do? Part Three: Abroad

Victor Davis Hanson Trump’s greatest challenge is to restore deterrence—blown up by Biden after Kabul, the Chinese balloon fiasco, the Gazan and Ukrainian wars, and his periodic Corn-Pop-like empty threats (i.e., “Don’t!”) when enemies successfully game Biden. Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Iran are existential enemies of the U.S. and the West in general. They …

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VDH UltraWhat Should a President Trump Do? Part Two: The Border (Continued)

Victor Davis Hanson Next, who of the long-residing illegal aliens would be eligible for legal-resident status, and from there choose or not choose to apply on their own for U.S. citizenship? Most would agree that this third category should include spouses of U.S. citizens; those with lengthy U.S. residence from childhood; and others with lengthy …

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VDH UltraWhat Should a President Trump Do? Part One: The Border

Victor Davis Hanson One would expect Trump first to finish the wall as soon as possible, even if that entailed extending it to the Gulf and through difficult terrain, fixing weak spots in the existing wall, and fighting nonstop lawsuits, internal administrative-state obstructions, and mass leftwing hysteria. Logically, he would simultaneously stop catch-and-release and force …

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VDH UltraFeverish Dreaming About Covid with Covid. Part Three

Victor Davis Hanson With Covid, you stare at the ceiling, with ice on your feverous head, and begin trying to account for all your life’s excesses and recklessness that supposedly inevitably led to right now being sick. Quite crazy, especially when you are the villain of your feverish remembrances. Would there not have been ways …

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