The Are Slaughtering Us Like Chickens’: Muslim Persecution of Christians, December 2013
by Raymond Ibrahim // Gatestone Insitute As happens at Christmas every year throughout the Muslim world, Christians and their churches were especially targeted—from jihadi terror strikes killing worshippers, to measures by Muslim authorities restricting Christmas celebrations. Some incidents follow:

Our Psychodramatic Campuses
by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Dartmouth College students recently staged an overnight sit-in the office of their president Philip Hanlon. They had over seventy demands. Apparently, they grew out of their alleged suffering at the hands of “racist, classist, sexist, heterosexist, trans-homophobic, xenophobic, and ablest structures.” Translating into English, the students elaborated, “Our bodies are […]

A Divisive Attorney General
by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner Attorney General Eric Holder must be suffering from a sort of amnesia. He is upset at supposed divisiveness and rudeness directed at him when testifying before Congress, and suggests not too subtly that he and President Obama have been accorded inordinately harsh treatment (fill in the blanks why). […]

The New Inquisition
by Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Content Agency What if you believed that the planet might not have warmed up the last two decades, even though carbon emissions reached all-time highs? Or, if the earth did heat up, you thought that it was not caused by human activity? Or, if global warming were the fault […]

Illiberal Liberalism
The left’s disdain for ordinary Americans has deep historical roots. by Bruce S. Thornton // Defining Ideas During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama let slip his disdain for the middle-class when he explained his lack of traction among such voters. “It’s not surprising then,” Obama said, “that they get bitter, they cling to guns or […]

Israel’s Worst Enemy: Lies and Myths
by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine The Washington Post reports that some members of Secretary of State John Kerry’s senior staff think it’s time to say “enough” of Kerry’s futile and delusional attempts to broker peace between the Israelis and Arabs and implement the “two- state solution.” That’s a revelation one would think the chief diplomat of […]

America’s New Anti-Strategy
Our allies and our enemies have seriously recalculated where the U.S. stands. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online It was not difficult to define American geopolitical strategy over the seven decades following World War II — at least until 2009. It was largely bipartisan advocacy, most ambitiously, for nations to have the freedom of […]

Why Aren’t We No. 1?
by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media There is a pastime among liberal pundits — the latest is Nicholas Kristof — to quote a new center left global ranking (with unbiased titles such as “The Social Progress Imperative”) and then to decry that the United States is behind its major industrial competitors in things like “Internet Access” and […]

Muslim Cleric Urges Poor Women to Become Sex-Slaves
by Raymond Ibrahim // RaymondIbrahim.com Within the context of keeping the Syrian jihad alive, it seems there is no end to the attempts of some Islamic clerics to legitimize otherwise forbidden behavior in order to gratify the sexual urges of the jihadis and keep them fighting Syrian president Bashar Assad.

One California for me, another for thee
by Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Content Agency No place on the planet is as beautiful and as naturally rich as California. And few places have become as absurd. Currently, three California state senators are either under felony indictment or already have been convicted. State Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) made a political career out of demanding harsher state gun-control laws. […]

Fish Instead of People, Ideologies without Consequences
by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media If only people had to live in the world that they dreamed of for others. Endangered species everywhere are supposed to be at risk — except birds of prey shredded by wind turbine farms, or reptilian habitats harmed by massive solar farms. High-speed rail is great for utopian visionaries — except don’t […]

Obama’s Enlightened Foolery
He views Putin, the 21st century, and himself as in a fun-house mirror. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online President Obama talks about Vladimir Putin as if he were a Pennsylvania “clinger” who operates on outdated principles, who is driven by fear, and whom unfortunately the post-Enlightenment mind of even Barack Obama cannot always […]

Winners and Losers in the War on Poverty
by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine Progressives and liberals love William James’s idea of a “moral equivalent of war.” As Jonah Goldberg defines this concept, “The core idea, expressed in myriad different ways, is that normal democratic capitalism is insufficient. Society needs an organizing principle that causes the citizenry to drop their individual pursuits, petty ambitions, […]

The Race-Hacks Defend Their Industry
by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine The race-hack usual subjects recently attacked Congressman Paul Ryan for stating that the problems plaguing the poor––incarceration, fatherless children, drug abuse, rampant violence, and welfare-dependence–– are a consequence of a dysfunctional culture that scorns marriage, parenthood, education, work, and virtues like self-control. Given that blacks are overrepresented among the […]

Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians
by Raymond Ibrahim // RaymondIbrahim.com Far from being repentant of the Armenian Genocide, Turkey, under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdogan, is again targeting Armenians; is again causing their death and dislocation. In the early morning hours of March 21, al-Qaeda linked Islamic jihadis crossed into Syrian territory from the Turkish border and launched a jihad on the Christian/Armenian […]

Untruthful and Untrustworthy Government
The massaging of critical data undermines our society. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Transparency and truth are the fuels that run sophisticated civilizations. Without them, the state grinds to a halt. Lack of trust — not barbarians on the frontier, global warming or cooling, or even epidemics — doomed civilizations of the past, […]