The World Goes On While America Sleeps
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness The Democratically-controlled Senate spends thousands of collective hours conducting an impeachment trial against a president who is no longer president. The acquittal is predetermined, as in the first impeachment effort a year ago—and known to be so to the Democratic prosecutors. The constitutionally mandated presiding judge—the chief justice of […]

Trevor Carey Radio Show
Listen to Victor Davis Hanson on the Trevor Carey Radio Show here

Navalny proves too hot for ‘poisoner Putin’
An article by my Hoover colleague Dr. Paul Gregory in The Hill On Feb. 2, the Moscow City Court sentenced Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny to two years and eight months in jail. Noted for its “telephone justice” (verdict dictated by the Kremlin), the Moscow court’s sentence revealed that Russian President Vladimir Putin has concluded that Navalny is too […]

Our Animal Farm
George Orwell published Animal Farm in August 1945, in the closing weeks of the Pacific War. Even then, most naïve supporters of the wartime Soviet-British-American alliance were no longer in denial about the contours of Moscow’s impending postwar communist aggression. The short, allegorical novel’s human-like farm animals replay the transition of supposedly 1917 revolutionary Bolsheviks into cynical […]

Will a Hard-Left Turn Lead to Pushback?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The corruption of the Renaissance Church prompted the Reformation, which in turn sparked a Counter-Reformation of reformist, and more zealous, Catholics. The cultural excesses and economic recklessness of the Roaring ’20s were followed by the bleak, dour, and impoverished years of the Great Depression. The 1960s counterculture led to Richard […]

Victor Davis Hanson: Biden feeling ‘liberated’ by following leftist agenda
Watch the interview here

Why Are Progressives So Illiberal?
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness One common theme in the abject madness and tragedies of the past 12 months is that progressive ideology now permeates almost all of our major institutions—even as the majority of Americans resist the leftist agenda. Its reach resembles the manner in which the pre-Renaissance church had absorbed the economic, […]

‘New McCarthyism will prove an Orwellian mistake,’ says US historian
Pavlos Papadopoulos // Ekathimerini.com A friend of Greece and regular visitor to the country, Victor Davis Hanson is a rare breed of American intellectual: The professor of classics and military history at the California State University and senior fellow in classics and military history at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute has supported Donald Trump in a […]

How to Deprogram Us
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Anew buzzword on social media, cable news, and among leftist activists is “deprogramming.” Along with terms like “reprogramming,” “de-Baathification,” and “deplatforming,” deprogramming refers to cleansing the incorrect mentalities of former Trump Administration officials—and even those who voted for Trump. Note that deprogramming does not refer to elites who peddled […]

The ‘After Trump’ Era Begins
Victor Davis Hanson // The Patriot Post The new AT age — “After Trump” — began on either Election Day, Nov. 3, or on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20. But either way, reality as we had known it for four years has been abruptly reinvented. Pfizer had hinted that a vaccine could be ready in late […]

The River of Forgetfulness
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Riotous rogue Trump supporters who broke into the Capitol on January 6 were properly and widely condemned by conservatives. They were somewhat reminiscent of the mobs of fanatic leftists and union members that a decade ago stormed the Wisconsin state capitol at Madison, or the unpunished hundreds of rioters […]

Thoughts on the 1776 Commission and Its Report
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The newly formed President’s Advisory 1776 Commission just released its report. The group was chaired by Churchill historian and Hillsdale College president Larry P. Arnn. The vice chair was Carol M. Swain, a retired professor of political science. (Full disclosure: I was a member of the commission.) The unanimously approved conclusions focused […]

Translating Trump: VDH on the Bill Bennett Show
Victor Davis Hanson // The Bill Bennett Show Listen to the podcast here

An Impeachment Incitement
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Donald Trump was impeached again on Wednesday, a week before leaving office in one of the great travesties of modern politics. Here are reasons why the exercise proved a farce. One, impeachment was never intended by the founders to become a serial effort to weaken a first-term president. But […]

The Spartan way of war
Victor Davis Hanson // The New Criterion Sparta’s check of imperial Athens in the inconclusive so-called First Peloponnesian War (460–445 B.C.) foreshadowed a remarkable subsequent twenty-eight-year growth in Lacedaemonian power and influence. At the war’s end, Sparta had established itself as the only impediment left to an increasingly Athenian Greece. Fourteen years later, a second, and […]

Russia’s Putin and Navalny collide; who will survive?
An article by my Hoover colleague Dr. Paul Gregory in The Hill To understand the events of Russian dissident Aleksei Navalny’s near-fatal poisoning and his Jan. 17 return to Russia, you must know that there are two Navalnys: Navalny No. 1 is described by Kremlin-controlled media as a CIA agent, corrupt, a hater of Russia, a […]

Assault on the Capitol Has Let Loose the Electronic Octopus
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Two days after the 2020 election, a defiant Kathy Griffin retweeted the notorious picture of her holding a prop that looked like the bloody head of a decapitated Donald Trump. Earlier last year, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, tweeted out a call to his followers to destroy Israel. Both […]

Is the Wisdom of Homer Immune to Cancel Culture?
Victor Davis Hanson // The Patriot Post Amid the current hysteria of toppling statues and renaming things, we keep mindlessly expanding the cancel culture. We are now seeing efforts to ban classics of Western and American literature. These hallowed texts are suddenly being declared racist or sexist by preening moralists. Or, as one Massachusetts high […]