Obama Administration

Obama’s Hope-and-Change Foreign Policy

President Obama applies the same principles abroad that he does at home. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online At home President Obama is well known for his preference for perceived parity over liberty. Most of his domestic agenda —Obamacare, executive-order amnesties, open borders, near-zero interest rates, quantitative easing, the piling up of $9 trillion […]

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Obama’s Utterly Hypocritical Response to Trump’s Criticisms of His Record

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO – The Corner President Obama just said this about Donald Trump’s disparagement of the last seven years: “In the echo chamber that is presidential politics, everything is dark and everything is terrible.” Presidential candidates “don’t seem to offer many solutions for the disasters that they perceive, but they’re quick

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Is Obamism Correctable?

Here and abroad, the Obama administration damages whatever it touches. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The next president and Congress will inherit what President Obama left behind. Whether Democrat or Republican, the president will have no choice other than to try to undo much of what Obama has wrought. But can he

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What Makes Donald Run?

He’s giving fed-up Republicans something other candidates are not. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Donald Trump has at least three things going for him. One, the mood of the country remains foul and fed-up — and volatile to the point that conventional wisdom is hardly reliable. Two, Trump has turned invective and narcissism

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Obama: Tougher on Congress than on Khamenei

Obama’s Unpresidential Iran Speech: The speech was mean-spirited and dishonest ─ and may have been counterproductive. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online President Obama’s speech last week advocating congressional approval of the Iran deal was mostly made-up history mixed with invective. Indeed, he talked far more roughly about his congressional partners than he did

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