A new Putin worse than the old Putin?
An article by my Hoover colleague Dr. Paul Gregory in The Hill Vladimir Putin is mortal. Russia, sooner or later, will have to navigate the transition from his 20-plus years of rule to someone else. It now appears that “sometime” could come as early as January 2021, if ill-health rumors denied by the Kremlin should prove to be […]

An Election Day Bridge Too Far
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review No wonder half the public is concerned about irregularities in the 2020 voting. No wonder they would support Donald Trump’s skepticism, once a reputable legal team quickly, publicly, and transparently presents to the nation justified concerns about constitutional violations in changing state voting laws and documented accounts of computer […]

Victor Davis Hanson | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 106
Watch the full show here

Donald Trump, Counterrevolutionary
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Until Donald Trump’s arrival, the globalist revolution was almost solidified and institutionalized—with the United States increasingly its greatest and most “woke” advocate. We know its bipartisan establishment contours. China would inherit the world in 20 or 30 years. The self-appointed task of American elites—many of whom had already been […]

The Disinformationists
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review A republic is not just a nation of laws. It also relies on its good-faith watchdogs, such as honest pollsters, the media, and bipartisan institutions. We still didn’t know the final result of Tuesday’s presidential election as of Wednesday night. But there are lots of reasons to worry that something in America […]

Hanson: Elite media and pollsters ‘culpable’ for erosion of trust in institutions
Interview with Victor Davis Hanson via Fox News Watch the latest video at foxnews.com

Victor Davis Hanson: Election a choice between rule-changing and respect for constitutional norms
Victor Davis Hanson // Bozeman Daily Chronicle In traditional presidential campaigns, the two major parties offer contrasting ideas and policies. The Democratic and Republican candidates barnstorm the nation to make their cases. Not this year. Democratic nominee Joe Biden is more or less a virtual candidate, mostly communicating from home via Zoom. He offers few […]

Dr. Victor Davis Hanson on Election 2020 & COVID
Listen to “Dr. Victor Davis Hanson on Election 2020 & COVID” on Spreaker.

Interview with Victor Davis Hanson: “Democrats want to recalibrate America”
Four years ago, then-candidate Donald Trump promised an end to neo-con adventurism in the Middle East and to shift greater global responsibility to America’s NATO allies. Supporters and critics alike agree that, as president, Trump has followed through. Arguably, his “America first” strategy has brought greater stability even as it confounds the Beltway commentariat. At […]

Trumpism: Then, Now—and in the Future?
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness What was, is, and will be the Trump agenda? Against all odds, what elected Trump in 2016 was a recalibration of American foreign and domestic policy—and the art of politicking itself. Doctrine and Policy In foreign affairs, the United States would no longer adhere to every aspect of the […]

Trump Won the Debate—But Won Bigly the Post-Debate
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review There was a low bar for Joe Biden in the first debate, given his cognitive challenges. Because he exceeded that pessimism, he won momentum. In opposite fashion, there was similarly an expectation that a disruptive Donald Trump would turn off the audience by the sort of interruptions and bullying […]

The Radio Free Hillsdale Hour: Victor Davis Hanson, Ben Beier, & Anthony Swinehart
The Radio Free Hillsdale Hour · Victor Davis Hanson, Ben Beier, & Anthony Swinehart

Strategika #68: Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean
Turkey In The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis Please read a new essay by my colleague, Soner Cagaptay in Strategika. Three wars that Turkey is currently involved in, namely in Syria, Libya, and the South Caucasus, suggest that Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s foreign policy has settled into a new phase. Erdoğan is building a “mini Empire” by—often—simultaneously […]

The Unapologetic Bias of the American Left
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Some yearn for the ancient monopolistic days of network news, the adolescent years of public radio and TV, and the still reputable New York Times—when once upon a time the Left at least tried to mask their progressivism in sober and judicious liberal façades. An avuncular Walter Cronkite, John Chancellor, […]

Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict adds to Putin’s headaches, West’s worries
An article by my Hoover colleague Dr. Paul Gregory in The Hill The last thing Vladimir Putin needed is another hotspot in Russia’s “near abroad” — Russia’s term for the 14 republics that once were part of the old Soviet Union, along with the Russian Republic. In 2014, Putin boasted of an ambitious imperial restoration project; his […]

A Few Cracks in the Progressive Wall
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The contemporary progressive agenda — of, say, an Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren — has rarely appealed to 51 percent of the American electorate. Most polls show opposition to Court packing and the abolition of the Electoral College. Voters don’t seem to like the Green New […]

2020 Election Chinese American Town Hall
Please watch this video which features Professor Hanson speaking on the 2020 election

Destroying the Institutions We Inherited
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review In the 21st century, hallmark American and international institutions have lost much of their prestige and respect. Politics and biases explain the lack of public confidence in organizations and institutions such as the World Health Organization, the Commission on Presidential Debates, the Nobel Peace Prize, the Pulitzer Prizes, and the […]

The Case for Trump: Victor Davis Hanson Makes The Closing Argument
Ricochet Podcast Featuring Victor Davis Hanson With a little over three weeks to go before the election, we thought it would a good time to have a heart to heart discussion with our good friend Victor Davis Hanson. the Classics professor, the military historian, the farmer, the cultural observer, and the author of The Case For […]

California’s Illogical Reparations Bill
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review California’s state legislature just passed, and Governor Gavin Newsom signed, Assembly Bill 3121 to explore providing reparations to California’s African-American population — 155 years after the abolition of slavery. Apparently, when California’s one-party government cannot find solutions to current existential crises, it turns to divisive issues that have little […]