Defenders of Civilization?
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness The year 2020 witnessed a long series of writs lodged against an America beset with plague, quarantine, recessions, riot and arson, and the most contested election since 1876. What was strange was not so much the anarchist Left’s efforts in the present to wipe away the past to recalibrate […]

A Guide to Wokespeak
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review With the rise of the Left inevitable over the next two years, the public should become acquainted with the Left’s strange language of Wokespeak. Failure to do so could result in job termination and career cancellation. It is certainly a fluid tongue. Words often change their meanings as the political […]

Victor Davis Hanson: After 2020 election – here’s how to keep track of upside-down world of media and politics
Victor Davis Hanson // Fox News After Nov. 3, the meaning of some words and concepts abruptly changed. Have you noticed how new realities have replaced old ones? Media cross-examination of the president is now an out-of-date idea. The time for gotcha questions has come and gone. Why ask a president whether he is a traitor or a […]

What Will Historians Make of Our Annus Horribilis?
Victor Davis Hanson // Townhall The year 2020 is now commonly dubbed the annus horribilis — “the horrible year.” The last 10 months certainly have been awful. But then so was 1968, when both Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated. The Tet Offensive escalated the Vietnam War and tore America apart. Race […]

Target: America
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review China sounds giddy at the ending of the Trump presidency. Before COVID-19, it was locked in a likely lose/lose trade war with the U.S. The American corporate world was finally starting to complain that its once easy profits in joint-ventures were now being gobbled up by an increasingly voracious China. […]

Where Did the New Mad Left Come From?
Victor Davis Hanson// National Review Bouts of extreme leftism are frequent in history. Plato’s Apology, Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France, and Vladimir Lenin’s What Is to Be Done? — all offer us insight into the mind and methods of the hard Left. America has experienced surges of mainstream anarchism, socialism, and communism, most profoundly during the […]

Strategika #69: China and the Pandemic
Remedies For China’s Role In The Pandemic Please read a new essay by my colleague, John Yoo in Strategika. The more we learn about the origins of the coronavirus, the more the case against China grows. Chinese doctors and scientists encountered COVID-19 patients as early as November 2019, but Beijing suppressed their efforts to research […]

Our Brave New Biden World
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review America traditionally has not reinvented reality after an election, although prior presidential winners have often tried, as in the fashion of our politics. But the new powers of social media, Silicon Valley, and a woke media have made reality-changing now a reality. Suddenly Antifa and BLM have all but disappeared […]

The Scars of 2020
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Amid plague, national lockdown, riot and arson, iconoclasm, recession, and the most contested voting in history, the country leaves 2020 with some scars that won’t heal. Mail-in Voting: Election Day as we once knew it no longer really exists. It has been warped, trimmed, and made nearly irrelevant in the […]

Is America to Be First, Second — or What?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review During this strange “transition,” it has been common now to assert that “multilateralism” is back — and with a vengeance. Joe Biden’s envisioned team allegedly will jettison the unilateralist idea of “America alone” and supposed soft neo-isolationism. Instead, the U.S. will resume its historic but neglected role as the leader […]

Denigrating Hoover
Victor Davis Hanson // The Stanford Daily Matt Larson (“Hoover has gone too far,” Nov. 19, 2020) cited me among others in his Stanford Daily angry attack on Hoover Institution scholars. He alleges that we at Hoover are purportedly “more interested in making money and promoting right-wing politics than in doing actual academic research.” Larson also charges […]

Why Our Universities Have Failed
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Where did Antifa youth rioting in the streets receive their intellectual and ethical bearings? Why are the First and Second Amendments no longer fully operative? How did the general population become nearly ignorant of their Constitution, history, and the hallmarks of their culture? Why do employers no longer equate […]

Trump Faces a Critical Choice About His Political Future
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Donald Trump is nearing a crossroads. Those who allege that he has endangered the tradition of smooth presidential transitions by not conceding immediately after the media declared him the loser suffer amnesia. When Trump was elected in 2016, the Washington establishment lost its collective mind. The top echelon of the […]

The Rural Way
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Almost every national Election Night reveals the same old red/blue map. The country geographically is a sea of red. The coasts and small areas along the southern border and around the Great Lakes remain blue atolls. Yet when the maps are recalibrated for population rather than area, the blue areas […]

A Time of Chaos Upon Chaos Atop Chaos
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness America will weather its current hysterias. But the tensions and furor are reminiscent of the last generations of the Roman Republic. In its last century, Romans began to adjudicate politics by obsequious partisan town criers (their version of our media), mass demonstrations, and freelance street gangs. Looters, arsonists, and […]

Marching into Georgia, with the Senate in Sight
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The distortions in the campaign and voting that we saw on November 3 will likely be child’s play compared with what will march through Georgia next January. If recounts don’t change the November 3, 2020, result, the January 5, 2021, Georgia senatorial election becomes a black-swan event like none other in our […]

The Left Politicizes COVID: Irony Abounds
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Where has the coronavirus gone? Nowhere. The pandemic has gained a second wind, even as it is mysteriously scarcer in post-election headlines. If anything, COVID-19 seems more contagious as cold temperatures arrive, people stay in indoors, and perhaps their vitamin D levels taper off. Whatever one’s views on the virus […]

Victor Davis Hanson on the US Election 2020 & Trump’s Prospects | American Thought Leaders

Will Trump Ride Off Into the Sunset?
Victor Davis Hanson // The Patriot Post I once wrote that whenever Donald Trump exits office, he will likely leave as a “tragic hero.” Over two millennia ago, the Athenian tragedian Sophocles first described the archetype in his portraits of an angry and old but still fearsome Ajax, and heroic but stubborn and self-fixated Antigone. […]