United States Military

Victor Davis Hanson Show

Stupid, Sloppy, Crazy: Your Call

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson talks with cohost Sami Winc of new questions about the Biden syndicate, Ukraine war and US arms stockade, woke in the universities, Minneapolis vacancy tax, and the culture of indoctrinated students. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

California Water and the Biden Files

Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc talk about California water during a very wet year, Biden at the border and his classified documents, and the renaming of military bases. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Our Military and Our Meritocracy

Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about the US Marine Corps, the war in Ukraine, and the asymmetry of radicalizing and tribalizing our culture. This last will not end well. Share This

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The Left Were the Mad Scientists, We Were Their Lab Rats

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness As the midterms approach, one way of looking at America’s current disaster is that we, the American people, were lab rats. And since 2021, the Left were the mad scientists, eager to try out their crackpot leftist experiments on us. The result is that the housing market is tottering on …

The Left Were the Mad Scientists, We Were Their Lab Rats Read More »

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Disappearing Names and Standards

Cohost Jack Fowler asks Victor Davis Hanson to reflect on renaming US forts, the great man theory, and the inflated grades at universities. Share This

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The World Wants No Part of Woke, But It’s Glad We Do

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The United States obsesses over whether biological men can compete in women’s sports as transgendered males. Crime is spiking at levels not seen in 40 years. But it is considered racist to suggest that arrests, indictments, convictions, and incarcerations deter crime. Major U.S. downtowns almost overnight went from mostly safe …

The World Wants No Part of Woke, But It’s Glad We Do Read More »

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

The China Connection

Listen in as Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler discuss the Biden-China nexus, economic follies, the downside of citizenship in revolutionary times, and the weakness projected by Pelosi’s trip and the military’s woke focus. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

From Military Recruitment to Environmental Protection

Join Victor Davis Hanson and his cohost Jack Fowler in a discussion of military recruitment, Hunter’s laptop, attacks on governor DeSantis, and the Supreme Court’s decision limiting the reach of the Environmental Protection Agency. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

The Arena at Home and Abroad

Join Victor Davis Hanson as he responds to questions from cohost Sami Winc about the war in Ukraine, U.S. adversaries and their window of opportunity, the US economy, and the January 6th Committee. Share This

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