United States Military

Victor Davis Hanson Show

Everything and Nothing or the Progressive Mind

Listen to Victor Davis Hanson talk about current events with cohost Jack Fowler: pride month and the military, AOC’s new victim status, the border, California’s water, and Trumpology. Share This

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Sacrificing the Military to Entitlements

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine  Vladimir Putin, playing geopolitical chess while our president plays tiddlywinks, has effectively taken over Crimea. Armed men, looking suspiciously like Russian military personnel, have seized both airports and established border checkpoints decorated with Kalashnikovs and Russian flags. This comes after other armed men seized two government buildings and raised …

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The Pentagon’s Bow to Islamic Extremism

by Raymond Ibrahim // RaymondIbrahim.com  “Caving to pressure from Muslim groups, the Pentagon has relaxed uniform rules to allow Islamic beards, turbans and hijabs. It’s a major win for political correctness and a big loss for military unit cohesion,” said a recent report. This new relaxation of rules for Muslims comes at a time when the FBI …

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Obama’s Recessional

There is nothing accidental about the president’s apparent foreign-policy blunders. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  Does Barack Obama have a strategy? He is often criticized for being adrift. Nonetheless, while Obama has never articulated strategic aims in the manner of Ronald Reagan or the two Bushes, it is not therefore true that there …

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The World’s New Outlaws

With America’s presence in the world receding, regional hegemons flex their muscles. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  The American custodianship of the postwar world for the last 70 years is receding. Give it its due: The American super-presence ensured the destruction of Axis fascism, led to the eventual defeat of Soviet-led global Communism, …

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America Is Intervened Out

Our security interests have changed, along with out sense that we can make a difference. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  n the immediate future, I do not think the United States will be intervening abroad on the ground — not in the Middle East or, for that matter, many places in other parts …

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Syria in the Age of Myth

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media  Myth I. Conservatives opposed to bombing Syria are isolationists. Hardly. It would be better to call conservative skepticism a new Jacksonianism that is not wedded to any Pavlovian support for intervention or particular political party. Share This

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America’s Vast Margin of Error

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services The Obama administration is facing scandals everywhere — using the IRS to punish political enemies, seizing the phone records of Associated Press and Fox News reporters, monitoring phone and email accounts of millions, and making up stories about what happened in Benghazi. Share This

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Book Review: The Savior Generals – The Tough Who Got Going

by Mark Moyar Wall Street Journal For a police chief, keeping the streets of Beverly Hills safe will probably never qualify as an act of great leadership, if only because the task itself lacks a certain degree of difficulty. Share This

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Who Will Bell America?

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Remember the medieval fable about the mice that wanted their dangerous enemy, the cat, belled, but each preferred not to be the one to attempt the dangerous deed? Share This

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