The Left

Civility for Thee

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online An evil psychopath, Jared Lee Loughner — a man with no discernible ideology or political affiliation, and declared by those who know him to be both unhinged and unacquainted with contemporary media — shot a US congresswoman, murdered a federal judge, and killed five other innocent people, while […]

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Rhetoric and Perceives Status

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner The Left in the last 48 hours has tried to make the argument that the Tucson shootings were the result of Tea Party angst, healthcare furor, talk radio, opposition to illegal immigration — almost any contemporary hot-button hoi polloi issue or any populist forum. Share This

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Making It Up As We Go Along

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Being There Gone is Bush the great Constitution-shredder. Tribunals, renditions, Predators, wiretaps, Iraq, Guantanamo, preventative detention — these are now either embraced or expanded. Iraq (“the surge is not working”) is Obama’s “greatest achievement.” Share This

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