
Obamacare Redefines the Shutdown

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner  Democratic senators up for reelection in 13 months are now embracing, in their calls to delay Obamacare, the same themes as did the House Republicans and a few senators a few weeks ago—hoping to preempt mounting criticism. In this surreal landscape, three weeks ago Obamacare was unquestioned “settled” […]

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Beware of Beautifully Misnamed Laws

Who would oppose “affordable care” and “farm security”? by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  Washington has a bad habit of naming laws by what they are not. These euphemisms usually win temporary public support. After all, who wants to be against anything “affordable”? But on examination, such idealistically named legislation usually turns out to

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The Shutdown in 2014

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner  No one knows what the effect of the presently unpopular shutdown will be 13 months from now on the eve of the 2014 elections, but it may be far less than the consequence of the Obamacare rollout. Share This

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New Coke Health Care?

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner  The president has compared the rollout disaster of Obamacare to temporary tech glitches with a new-model iPhone. But a better comparison is the disastrous 1985 campaign to replace Coca-Cola with “New Coke,” a new sweeter formula that was supposed to stop Pepsi from gaining more market share. Despite

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The Democratic Disasters to Come

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media  The defunding wars are over. The accusations are fading. We are back to reality. Of course, America’s long-term prospects, at least in comparison with other countries’ futures — whether in terms of demography, military power, food-production constitutional stability, energy sources, or higher education — are bright. But short term,

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Where Now?

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner  The government gridlock is, to use now politically incorrect metaphors, only one lost battle in a long campaign, and we are now back to the original proposition of watching the administration try to implement Obamacare. We know the president does exceedingly well when he can campaign against the

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Obama, Heed Thyself

He used to know some important things. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  Republicans and Democrats are still name-calling in their arguments over the government shutdown, out-of-control federal spending, and the implementation of Obamacare. Yet if both sides would agree to just follow the earlier advice of President Obama, tempers might cool. And had

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Sort of True, Sort of Not

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner The problem with negotiating with President Obama is not necessarily that he sometimes makes things up, but that he always sort of makes things up. Take a single recent October 8 press. All at once, the president used a weird assortment of similes and allusions to brand ad

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What Are They Fighting Over?

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner  The deficit this year may fall to below $700 billion, but that is still huge at a time of a record near $17 trillion in debt, and comes despite a supposedly recovering economy and more revenue, despite recent sequestration cuts, despite dramatic gains in U.S. domestic energy production,

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