
Mideast Nuclear Holocaust

by Raymond Ibrahim // FrontPage Magazine  A Review of The Last Israelis by Noah Beck After constant exposure to critically important news, it begins to lose all meaning and sense of urgency.  Hearing the same warnings over and over again—especially when the status quo seems static—can cause a certain desensitization, a resigned apathy that ignores the warnings in […]

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The Israeli Spring

Israel’s enemies are doing more damage to each other than Israel ever could. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Israel could be forgiven for having a siege mentality — given that at any moment, old frontline enemies Syria and Egypt might spill their violence over common borders. The Arab Spring has thrown Israel’s once-predictable

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The Absurdity of Treating a Terrorist Gang Like a State

by Bruce Thornton Frontpage Magazine The currently suspended missile duel between Israel and Hamas exposes yet again the surreal absurdity of the way the international community handles this conflict between a democratic state and a terrorist gang. Yesterday’s cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas is another example of the folly of treating a bunch of

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The Obama Foreign Policy

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The 2012 election will hinge on the economy, not on US foreign policy, unless there is a major overseas crisis — an Israeli attack on Iran, an Iranian detonation of a nuclear weapon, a Middle East war, a North Korean attack, or something of that sort. Share This

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The New Anti-Semitism

by Victor Davis Hanson Defining Ideas Not long ago, The Economist ran an unsigned editorial called the “Auschwitz Complex.” The unnamed author blamed serial Middle East tensions on both Israel’s unwarranted sense of victimhood, accrued from the Holocaust, and its unwillingness to “to give up its empire.” Share This

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Obama Off the Cuff

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Conservatives caricature 24/7 Barack Obama’s reliance on the teleprompter. True, his speeches are scripted; but we forget why so: He is very good at reading a prepared script as if he were talking off the top of his head, and he is very bad at actually talking off

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