
The Audacity of Weakness

Obama’s morally confused foreign policy is making the world more dangerous by the day. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Congress on Tuesday to warn Americans of the anti-Western threats from theocratic — and likely to soon be nuclear — Iran. Netanyahu came to the U.S. to

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Five Middle East Blunders

The underlying causes of chaos in the Middle East are indigenous. But Obama hasn’t helped. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online President Obama claims he inherited a mess in the Middle East. Not so. Fracking and horizontal drilling on private lands in the U.S. had taken off in the last years of the

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Obama Midwifes a Nuclear Iran

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine The news that President Obama has sent a secret letter to Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei––apparently promising concessions on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for help in defeating ISIS–– is a depressing reminder of how after nearly 40 years our leaders have not understood the Iranian Revolution. During the

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America’s Middle East Dilemma

Toppling tyrants is ineffective in the long term without years of unpopular occupation. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Two and a half years ago, the U.S. pulled every soldier out of a mostly quiet Iraq. In the void thus created, formerly al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists calling themselves “The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”

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Benghazi Constructs 

Much is still murky, but the Obama team was at the least guilty of negligence and deception.  By Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Almost everything the administration has alleged about Benghazi has proven false. Yet also, in Machiavellian fashion, the Obama group successfully peddled useful fictions, effectively deluded the country, adroitly ensured President

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Obama’s Munich

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine  The interim agreement negotiated by the Security Council and Germany with Iran is a serious advance toward what Winston Churchill called the Munich agreement: “a total and unmitigated defeat” and a “disaster of the first magnitude.” Nothing in the agreement guarantees that Iran will fulfill its promises, or that inspectors will be allowed

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Peace for Our Time

by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  The Iranian agreement comes not in isolation, unfortunately. The Syrian debacle instructed the Iranians that the Obama administration was more interested in announcing a peaceful breakthrough than actually achieving it. Share This

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Netanyahu’s Necessary Crankiness

We can afford to be overly optimistic about Iran, but Israel can’t. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  So far, Iranian president Hassan Rouhani’s peace ruse is still bearing some fruit. President Obama was eager to talk with him at the United Nations — only to be reportedly rebuffed, until Obama managed to phone

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