VDH UltraPart One. Hard, Brutal, and Dirty Work Is a World to Itself

Víctor Davis Hanson  Professors say they work hard. Some surely do. So do lawyers and media people. I can remember driving 30 miles home from CSU, Fresno after teaching four semester classes, all with separate preps. And that was after spending another four hours in independent studies and office hours, only to enter the house, […]

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VDH UltraWill Our Commissariat Destroy Us Before We Destroy It? Part Four

Victor Davis Hanson Remember, woke, as the Soviets showed us, is an elite obsession. Those in the Soviet Union that damned housewives for wanting more bread in their near empty stores vacationed in seaside dachas. So too our woke commissars. John Kerry needs his carbon-spewing private jet to combat the climate change caused by hoi

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Who Owns the University?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The most recent shout-down debacle at Stanford’s law school, one of many such recent sordid episodes, prompts the question: “Who owns our universities?” The law students who are in residence for three years apparently assume they embody the university. And so, they believe they represent and speak for a score

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Will Our Commissariat Destroy Us Before We Destroy It? Part Three

Víctor Davis Hanson The commissars of the old Soviet Union and the Maoists of China were not just ideological bigots but ultimately careerists. Woke, remember, is a haven, as are all ideological litmus tests, for mediocre wannabees, who seek a different route to lucre that bypasses meritocracy and hard work. The charge of racism! is

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VDH UltraWill Our Commissariat Destroy Us Before We Destroy It? Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson When Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley bragged that he was focusing on “white rage,” Americans assumed that he had time for such distractions because the army would secure Afghanistan, the air force would keep our skies free of Chinese spy balloons, and the military in general had plenty

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