Western Cultural Suicide
We are blind to the contradictions in welcoming an immigrant but not making him one of us. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Multiculturalism — as opposed to the notion of a multiracial society united by a single culture — has become an abject contradiction in the modern Western world.

Flat-Earth Democrats
by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Magazine The victims of the tornado that hit Moore Oklahoma had not even been counted when Democrat politicians made fools of themselves by trying to link the disaster to global warming and Republicans.

Obama Administration Calls for the ‘Human Rights’ of Jihadi Murderers
Nigerian government is criticized by the U.S. for going after mass murdering terrorists. by Raymond Ibrahim PJ Media It’s well known that whenever jihadis attack and slaughter innocent people — especially Christians — the Obama administration tries to ignore or whitewash.

Book Review: The Savior Generals – The Tough Who Got Going
by Mark Moyar Wall Street Journal For a police chief, keeping the streets of Beverly Hills safe will probably never qualify as an act of great leadership, if only because the task itself lacks a certain degree of difficulty.

Big Government’s Abuses of Power
Monitoring AP but not detaining Tamerlan Tsarnaev–there is a common theme. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Government is now so huge, powerful, and callous that citizens risk becoming virtual serfs, lacking the freedoms guaranteed by the Founders.

Persecution Myth? How the Present Explains the Past
by Raymond Ibrahim Originally published by World Magazine One of the traditional purposes for studying History has been to learn from it, to see how past events can shed light on the present.

July 13 Twin Lakes Hike in the Kaiser Wilderness
8:00AM at the trailhead. More information to come.

Reap What You Sow
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner In the next few weeks, we will probably hear more stories about journalists whose correspondence was monitored, and more creepy details about the corruption of the IRS.

The President Won–Sort Of
The administration spent the last six months of the campaign in cover-up mode. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online On September 11, 2012, Barack Obama was 1 point ahead of Mitt Romney in the ABC and Washington Post polls.

The Second Time As Farce
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner The lengths to which some are going to excuse the IRS corruption (“the tea-party groups deserved extra scrutiny”),

Nixon Is a Fair Comparison
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner There have been lots of comparisons, most hotly dismissed by the president’s defenders, between Nixon and Obama, but in some ways the latest scandals have the potential to match or even trump those of 1973–4.

It Can Happen Here
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Shortly before the second-term inauguration of Barack Obama this January, I wrote [1] the following of my worries over the Obama way of doing business:

What the Obama Scandals Reveal About Progressive Ideology
by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPageMag.com The three scandals dominating the news this week all reveal the moral and intellectual corruption at the heart of progressive ideology.

Obama’s Second-Term Embarrassments
“Hope and change” is looking like the 1973 Nixon White House. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online In Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, he ran to the left of Hillary Clinton as a moral reformer.

Islamic Forced Conversions – Past and Present
by Raymond Ibrahim www.raymondibrahim.com The Blaze The lost history of Christians forced to convert to Islam—or die—is reemerging, figuratively and literally.

All Leaks Bad–Except Some
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Before Jay Carney or the president go out again they really need to sit down and get their stories straight: When the IRS apologizes, it is not a matter of “if.”

A Tainted Campaign?
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner If it is proven that the IRS thwarted some groups from obtaining tax-exempt status in fear that their traditional or conservative messages might hurt the 2012 Obama campaign (especially if it did so under pressure from White House-affiliated operatives),

There Is No There There?
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Senator Harry Reid may be right that we should wait for the full sordid details before demanding resignations from an increasingly politicized and now apparently confessional IRS (yet the proof of the pudding is that groups such as Media Matters, Think Progress, Moveon.org, and Organizing for America don’t seem to be […]

Terrorism as Therapy
The Obama administration is intent on downplaying the Islamic roots of contemporary terrorism. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online One common theme emerges from the hearings over the Benghazi disaster: The Obama administration is intent on downplaying the Islamic roots of terrorists who harbor an existential hatred of the West.

The Moral Low Road in the Immigration Debate
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Now elites are wistfully recalling the Bracero Program as a sort of model for the new “guest worker” provisions.