Angry Reader 08-29-2020
From An Angry Reader: dang dude you’re racist Jacob Kovacs-Goodman ______________________________________________________________________________ Dear Angry Something or Other Jacob Kovacs-Goodman, It is not wise to level an ad hominem charge of racism against someone without producing any evidence whatsoever to support your smear. Somehow your slang “dang dude” rings falsely, more likely the affectation or constructed slang […]

Angry Reader 08-28-2020
From An Angry Reader: Victor, So what are you and your powerless conservative “thought leader” ilk going to do about our Revolution? Keep writing your pathetic articles stating the obvious, keep bloviating on your self satisfied talk shows, keep preaching to your social distanced conservative choir as they sing themselves to sleep. I hope you […]

California Apocalypto
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review So we can expect the following from our postmodern state government. There are the now-normal raging wildfires in the coastal and Sierra foothills. And they will be greeted as if they are not characteristic threats of 500 years of settled history, but leveraged as proof of global warming as […]

From DNC Irony to Parody
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness If nothing else, the architects of the 2020 Democratic Convention appeared to be ignorant of irony. Either that, or they know irony so well and cared so little that they wished to ram it down the throats of the few who watched the nightly taped speeches—as if to say, […]

Is Putin getting away with poisoning another political opponent?
The following article is from my colleague, Paul Roderick Gregory, in The Hill Aleksei Navalny, the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation headquartered in Moscow, is one of the last-standing political opponents of Vladimir Putin. His tightly researched, well-documented reports on the corruption of high-level Kremlin officials have been a thorn in the Kremlin’s side. Not only that, […]

Goodbye — Sort of — to Germany?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review President Trump recently ordered a 12,000-troop reduction in American military personnel stationed in Germany. That leaves about 24,000 American soldiers still in the country. A little more than half of the troops being withdrawn will return home. The rest will be redeployed to other NATO member nations, such as Belgium, […]

Ten 2020 Issues, Policies, Personalities — and Chance
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The nation has never seen an election like this. A mysterious virus from China has terrified the country, killed perhaps 180,000 Americans, and is now weaponized as a political asset to neuter the president. Half the country is still in de facto quarantine. Governments — national, state, and local […]

Hanson: Michelle Obama told Dems to ‘go high’ after her husband ‘tried to destroy a political campaign’
Yael Halon // Fox News Michelle Obama urged Democrats to take the high road at the virtual Democratic National Convention Monday night amid an ongoing investigation into her husband’s “corrupt” administration, Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson told “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Tuesday. “When she says ‘We go high when they go low,’ she’s talking right now when her husband’s administration has weaponized the IRS, the FBI, the DOJ, […]

Trumpism—A Look Backward and Forward to November
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Perhaps 70 percent of Trumpism remains a hodgepodge of Reaganism: strong defense, realist foreign policy, deregulation, smaller government, big deficits, tax cuts, energy growth, and stars-and-stripes traditionalism. But it is the other unorthodox 30 percent that excited his base, terrified conservative apostates, and won Trump the 2016 election by […]

Victor Davis Hanson warns protest leaders: ‘Today’s revolutionary becomes tomorrow’s counter-revolutionary’
Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson told “The Ingraham Angle” Monday that the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement has parallels to other mass movements throughout history, including the French Revolution and the Cultural Revolution in Communist China. Watch the interview on Fox here

Taking a Second Look at WWII with Victor Davis Hanson’s ‘The Second World Wars’
Ed Driscoll // PJ Media Most people today assume that our understanding of WWII is largely complete, thanks to the enormous quantity of books, TV series such as ITV’s classic 1970s documentary The World at War, the myriad of documentaries that aired in the early days of the History Channel cable TV network, and the unending series of […]

Victor Davis Hanson: US Constitution and traditions are under attack by Democrats
Victor Davis Hanson // Fox News Democrats are waging war against traditions and the Constitution. Several of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidates favored the abolishment of the Electoral College. Or, as once-confident candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren put it, “I plan to be the last American president to be elected by the Electoral College.” Furor over the Electoral […]

Strategika Issue #65: The Status of the EU
The State of This Union is (Remarkably) Strong Please read a new essay by my colleague, Ralph Peters in Strategika. For years, I was a guest commentator on a business-news show whose host was surprisingly literate. We covered global affairs and shared useful exchanges. But this well-schooled, worldly man had a massive blind spot he shared […]

Who or What Exactly Is Running Against Trump?
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness As we enter the final 90 days of the November presidential campaign, a few truths are crystalizing about the “Biden problem,” or the inability of a 77-year-old Joe Biden to conduct a “normal” campaign. Biden’s cognitive challenges are increasing geometrically, whether as a result of months of relative inactivity […]

The Thin Veneer of American Civilization
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Nine months ago, New York was a thriving, though poorly governed, metropolis. It was coasting on the more or less good governance of its prior two mayors and on its ancestral role as the global nexus of finance and capital. The city is now something out of a postmodern […]

Our Annual August Debate over the Bombs
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review This month marks the 75th anniversary of the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan, at Hiroshima on August 6, and Nagasaki on August 9. Each year, Americans argue about our supposed moral shortcomings for being the only nation to have used an atomic weapon in war. Given the current […]

What or Who Decides This Election?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review We know where to watch in the next few weeks but have no real idea what we will be watching. Yet pundits, the media, and the Left seem giddy that their polls show a Trump slump, as if they have learned nothing and forgotten nothing from 2016. But in […]

Steele’s dossier: ‘Clown show’ or the greatest Russian coup?
The following article is from my colleague, Paul Roderick Gregory, in The Hill The known details of the so-called Steele dossier point to a peculiar ambiguity. To expert analysts, it always appeared to be low-quality political opposition research. Yet, it turned American against American, paralyzed our government — and may be the greatest Russian disinformation coup […]

John Anderson Direct: With Victor Davis Hanson, Historian and Writer
Watch the interview here

The New Old Obama
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness In his latest incarnation as president emeritus and corporate multimillionaire community activist, we are reminded of the earlier Barack Obama of “get in their face,” “take a gun to a knife fight,” and “punish our enemies” vintage. From time to time, Obama ventures from his hilltop, seaside, $12 million […]