Trump Has Reason to Rage — But Needs to Stay Calm and Get Even Rather than Mad

Donald Trump gave one of his best and most conciliatory speeches of his political career after his win in the recent Iowa primaries—that might explain why the media would not cover it. Later, to answer an ad hoc ambush reporter’s question whether he would hold grudges, he emphatically said he did not. Yet after his […]

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Trump Has Reason to Rage — But Needs to Stay Calm and Get Even Rather than Mad Read More »

VDH UltraThe Crazy Story Behind the Disturbing News. Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson The Unspeakable Precivilizational Barbarity of Hamas (Continued) Israel had vacated Gaza since 2005. A democracy of sorts was promised. Philanthropists sent hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to facilitate the profitable transitional use of abandoned Israeli infrastructure. Literally billions of dollars of international money poured into Gaza, much of it Western,

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Nikki Haley’s Strategies?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness   Nikki Haley just lost the New Hampshire primary by 11 percent. She had earlier come in third in the recent Iowa caucuses behind Ron DeSantis. But DeSantis, not she, dropped out of the race. He then endorsed front-runner Donald Trump. By contrast, Haley confidently announced that at last there

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VDH UltraThe Crazy Story Behind the Disturbing News. Part One

Victor Davis Hanson The Unspeakable Precivilizational Barbarity of Hamas A recent report from Israel chronicles the tragic, more than two-months-long hunt of a bereaved father, David Tahar, for the head of his slain son, Adir—a young Israeli soldier murdered by terrorists on October 7. Tahar had been warned by Israeli authorities not to view the remains of his

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VDH UltraDear Not So Angry Reader Barbara Toncheff, Part Two

II. In contrast to Lee, Sherman was a grand strategist, who viewed war as an elemental conflict of finance, economics, sociology, politics, and natural and human resources. For all his verbal crudity and argumentative nature, Sherman was at heart a humanist who despised war and carnage and did his best to win the war with

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VDH UltraDear Not So Angry Reader Barbara Toncheff, Part Two Read More »