
Victor Davis Hanson Show

Democratics Slipping

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc for this Friday news roundup: Mayorkas at the border, Bowman’s defeat, Blinken conflates anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, eight Tajikistani’s connected to ISIS-K, some of the 51 Laptop Hoaxers still working for CIA, and more. Share This

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How To Ensure a Big, Ugly War with Iran

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Iranian-backed militias have attacked American installations and forces in Syria, Iraq, and Jordan some 170 times. Ostensibly, these terrorist groups claim they are hitting US forces to coerce America into dropping its support of Israel and demanding a cease-fire in the Gaza war. In reality, these satellite terrorists are being …

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A Therapeutic Middle East Versus A Tragic One

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Classical diplomacy warns leaders to be neither obsequious and appeasing abroad, nor gratuitously boastful and hard-headed. The usual advice is don’t-tread-on-me resoluteness, or what Teddy Roosevelt characterized as “speak softly and carry a big stick.” The alternatives – whether “speak loudly and carry a twig,” “speak softly and carry a …

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Hamas and Amoral Clarity

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness One unexpected blowback from the medieval Hamas’s barbaric murdering of hundreds of Israeli civilians is the revelation of current global amorality. More than 20 Harvard university identity politics groups pledged their support to the Hamas murderers—to the utter silence for days of Harvard President Claudine Gay. Americans knew higher education …

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Comeuppance, Conquest and Terror

 Victor Davis Hanson talks with cohost Sami Winc about the Wray and Garland testimonies to the House, Alexander the Great’s life and legacy, and terrorism 30 years after the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. Share This

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A Stronger Israel?

Elite opinion believes Israel will lose “long-term” whatever happens in the next weeks. Not necessarily. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online In postmodern wars, we are told, there is no victory, no defeat, no aggressors, no defenders, just a tragedy of conflicting agendas. But in such a mindless and amoral landscape, Israel in …

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Moral Equivalence, Moral Idiocy

by Bruce Thornton // FrontPage Magazine Scenes all too familiar from the Arab conflict with Israel have followed the murder last Wednesday of a 16-year-old Palestinian, Mohammed Abu Khdeir. Mourners at his funeral chanting the Muslim war-cry “Allahu Akbar” as they carry the boy’s open coffin, the crowd shouting slogans like “Intifada rise up” and “America and …

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Lots of Recent Man-Caused Disasters

by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Even the administration is now considering some sort of overseas contingency operation to cope with an outbreak of workplace violence worldwide. Each morning it seems we read that Islamic killers of Boko Haram have kidnapped or slaughtered more children. Israel alleges Hamas affiliates are behind the kidnapping …

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