Bombshells, Landmines, and Nemesis

For much of 2017 through 2021, Americans suffered the “bombshell” and “walls are closing” mythologies first of Russian collusion, then of supposedly vast Russian social media investments to sabotage the election. From there we moved on to the Alfa Bank ping-pong fable, the supposed Putin bounties on U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan that Trump was said

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Ukrainian Paradoxes

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness One of the strangest things about the American response to Ukraine has been the willingness of the Left and the establishment Right to discount completely that the war is heading toward a rendezvous with ever-deadlier weapons and staggering fatalities—even as we witness increasing nuclear threats from a weakened and adrift

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Pushing the Envelopes in Ukraine

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness For all the dramatic late-summer Ukrainian success, we are witnessing yet another deadlock in the war—one that supposedly will be resolved by escalations on all sides. Mutually Exclusive Agendas A rebooted Ukraine is clamoring for more offensive arms. It claims it can win the war, with victory now giddily defined

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Obama’s Ironic Foreign Policy

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media  In the old postwar, pre-Obama world, the United States accepted a 65-year burden of defeating Soviet communism. It led the fight against radical Islamic terrorism. The American fleet and overseas bases ensured that global commerce, communications, and travel were largely free and uninterrupted. Globalization was a sort of synonym

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The World’s New Outlaws

With America’s presence in the world receding, regional hegemons flex their muscles. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  The American custodianship of the postwar world for the last 70 years is receding. Give it its due: The American super-presence ensured the destruction of Axis fascism, led to the eventual defeat of Soviet-led global Communism,

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America Is Intervened Out

Our security interests have changed, along with out sense that we can make a difference. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  n the immediate future, I do not think the United States will be intervening abroad on the ground — not in the Middle East or, for that matter, many places in other parts

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Epitaph for a Foreign Policy

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine If you still doubt that Barack Obama has disastrously bungled our foreign policy, check out this video. In it Egyptian singer Salma Elmasry brutally insults Obama for supporting the Muslim Brothers and Islamists in general, her vulgar insults laced with an image of our President sporting a bin Laden cap

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