Joe Biden

Biden and The Destruction of Wisdom

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness There used to be an agreed-on body of wisdom, which both Left and Right, Republicans and Democrats, generally accepted. Heated arguments and invective centered on implementations and methods of solving problems, which at least both sides agreed were problems. Both ideologies accepted a common core of wisdom, despite their radical differences in interpreting

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Who Are the Real Insurrectionists?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness For 120 days in summer 2020, violent protesters destroyed some $2 billion in property and injured 1,500 police officers in riots that led to over 35 deaths. Because blue-state mayors and governors saw BLM and Antifa instigators as useful street soldiers, most of those arrested were never tried in court.

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The Cry-Baby Leftist Mind

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Modern progressives assume moral and intellectual authority. Consequently, their supposedly superior ends naturally justify almost any means necessary to achieve them. Among the elite, the Democrats’ “blue-wall” states were once considered a testament to the wisdom of the Electoral College. When that wall crumbled in 2016 to Trump, the Electoral College suddenly

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Why the Left Will Cut Biden Loose

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Republican pundits and conservative activists are debating whether they can win in 2024 with the successful Trump agenda, but without the controversial Donald Trump as their nominee. The Democrats have a similar, but far more serious dilemma with Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2024. Unlike the Trump

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