
Victor Davis Hanson Show

From Congress to the Campus and the Spoils of US Aid

Listen in as Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about Ukraine aid vs. border security, the lack of consequences for the Chinese-Biden payments, Columbia University crazies, eyes wide-open in black communities, and Zelensky taking US aid as spoils of war. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

The Left’s Manufactured Reality

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler analyze Chicago’s residents’ outcry against illegal immigrants, transgendered arguments, FBI’s leaders not so far from the rank-and-file, distortion of truth called “conspiracy theories,” and thoughts on funding the war in Ukraine and the new rules of proxy wars. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Venetian Wars, Soros DAs and Leftist Angst

In this weekend episode, VDH and cohost Sami Winc talk about the Venetian Wars of the 16th century and the Battle of Lepanto, Chicago community leaders‘ anxieties over illegals in their midst, and Soros DA in Boston resigns over ethics violations. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Toxicity: Bureaucrats and Policy

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler take on current issues: good credit scores now bad, Fauci’s and Weingarten’s lies, debasing money and renouncing debt destroys civilization, the Sun-Maid tale, and VDH’s Fox affiliation. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Invasion, Migration? Some Thoughts

In this weekend episode, Victor Davis Hanson talks with cohost Sami Winc about the barbarian invasions that helped topple the Roman Empire. This is book ended by thoughts on Don Lemon’s misogyny, Chicago’s mayoral race, our own border and the drag-queen craze. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way

Listen to Victor Davis Hanson discuss with cohost Sami Winc the conditions and prospects of our youth as they prepare to graduate, Boeing HQ leaving Chicago, the French elections, and the death of Norman Yoshio Mineta, RIP. Share This

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Postmodern Prudes

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services More than 500 people were murdered in Chicago last year. Share This

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