VDH UltraThe Unpredictable, Unforeseen, and Simply Strange. Part Three

Victor Davis Hanson Why worry about bees? I kept thinking that as I got dizzier. Out on the farm, the greater worries are as follows: sneaky coyote packs trying to lure the dogs into their ambushes by feigning limps; flicker woodpeckers destroying the sidings on all the buildings; ground squirrels burrowing under the barn foundation;

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Ideology Kills People

Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler examine revolutionary Left-wing ideology: storming the Tennessee legislature, the WNBA and Jill Biden, the response to soaring black crime rates, diplomatic disasters, de-urbanization, and distractions like transgenderism. Share This

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Fiddling America Away

The last few weeks, the world had been writing off the United States as either crazy or irrelevant as it watches America cannibalize itself. Friends tremble at our sudden decline. Enemies rejoice. Neutrals make the necessary adjustments to join the ascendant non-American side. The symptoms of our decline abroad appear everywhere. The more Joe Biden

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

The Razor’s Edge

Listen in to Victor Davis Hanson as he talks with cohost Sami Winc about Trump’s indictment and then analyzes Democratic policy from tenuous diplomacy to California’s failing state in a wet year. Something’s got to change. Share This

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VDH UltraThe Unpredictable, Unforeseen, and Simply Strange. Part Two

Victor Davis Hanson I was out early in the yard, picking up debris after our now routine violent California rainstorms. (So much for Gavin Newsom’s “permanent drought.”) Everything was soaked and the winds knocked over lots of umbrella stands. A wet outdoor carpet had blown off the deck onto the lawn. I bent over, put

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