
A Presidency Squandered
by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The Obama narrative is that he inherited the worst mess in memory and has been stymied ever since by a partisan Congress — while everything from new ATM technology to the Japanese tsunami conspired against him. But how true are those claims?

The Obama Breaking Point
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Was it the blame-gaming — “Bush did it!,” ATMs are at fault, tsunamis are the culprit, no other administration has had such challenges, the euro meltdown is to blame, earthquakes shook our confidence — that finally turned the country off of Obama?

Silenced Partner: Two Books on Alfred Wallace
by Terry Scambray Touchstone A review of: Alfred Russel Wallace’s Theory of Intelligent Evolution: How Wallace’s Theory of Life Challenged Darwinism by Michael A. Flannery (Erasmus Press, 2008. 216 pp.) Includes an abridged version of Wallace’s The World of Life, with an Introduction by Flannery and a Forward by William A. Dembski.

One Nation, Under God?
by Bruce Thornton Defining Ideas The role of religion in American social and political life is an ever-present element in our civic conversation. The recent controversy over the contraception mandate ignited a smoldering conflict over just this issue.

Bankrupt California
by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online I thought of my fellow Californian Energy Secretary Steven Chu last week, when I paid $4.89 a gallon in Gilroy for regular gas — and had to wait in line to get it. The customers were in near revolt, but I wondered against what and whom. I mentioned to […]

The Ever-Stranger Case of a Murdered US Ambassador
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner In the past — in Sudan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, etc. — the murder of an American ambassador sparked immediate debates over security lapses, but in the Libyan case the media seems to be doing its best not to investigate the circumstances around the murders.

The First Amendment vs. Multiculturalism
by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The American Left used to champion free expression. We were lectured — correctly — that the price of being repulsed by occasional crude talk and art was worth paying. Only that way could Americans ensure our daily right to criticize those with greater power and influence whom we […]

Anatomy of a Disastrous Debate Performance
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media The Romney-Obama debate was bizarre for so many reasons. Usually spin masters needle the media immediately to “prove” that their so-so candidate won. But after this debate, almost no one made the argument that Obama was close to winning — so great was the risk for even a toadying […]

The Clear Alternatives in the Presidential Debate
by Bruce Thornton FrontPage Magazine Forget all the pre-debate handicapping and advice about what Mitt Romney needed to do or what Barack Obama had to avoid. Last night’s debate clarified the stark choice facing American voters on November 6. On the one hand, we heard a candidate who endorses limited government, individual rights and freedom, […]

The Problem Last Night Was Not Just Obama
by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner The problem for Obama is not that his performance was disastrous, but rather that it was his normal workmanlike coasting. But this time, and for the first time, he was pitted against a skilled debater who had both the better argument and the better intellectual artillery to deliver it. […]

The Neurotic Middle East
by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Let us confess it: Many of the things that are bothersome in the world today originate in the Middle East. Billions of air passengers each year take off their belts and shoes at the airport, not because of fears of terrorism from the slums of Johannesburg or because […]

Election Could Mirror 1980 Race
by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services There was only one presidential debate in 1980 between challenger Ronald Reagan and President Jimmy Carter. Just two days before the Oct. 28 debate, Carter was eight points ahead in the Gallup poll. A week after the debate, he lost to Reagan by nearly ten percentage points.

‘Religious Defamation’ Laws Would Ban Islam
by Raymond Ibrahim Frontpage Magazine As the Islamic world, in the guise of the 57-member state Organization of Islamic Cooperation, continues to push for the enforcement of “religious defamation” laws in the international arena — theoretically developed to protect all religions from insult, but in reality made for Islam — one great irony is lost, […]

The Fantasy House
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media It All Failed? By Fantasy House I do not mean — or rather only mean — Barack Obama’s La-La land in which Austrians speak Austrian, Hawaii is in Asia, Afghans speak Arabic, the Maldives lie off Argentina, there are seven additional states, servicemen are zombie corpse-men, and Kansas twisters […]

President Ethelred
by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Like old King Ethelred the Unready, who either had no counsel or had no sense, or both, and often paid the Danegeld rather than attempt to deter the Norsemen, so Barack Obama and his lieutenants still believe that they can both appease radical Islam and convince others that […]

The Rape of Christopher Stevens
by Raymond Ibrahim Frontpage Magazine By obsessing over the 14-minute YouTube Muhammad video and its maker, the mainstream media ultimately exonerates the inexcusable and murderous response of the Islamic world.

The Palestinian Playbook
by Bruce Thronton Frontpage Magazine The most depressing thing about the Obama administration’s foreign policy debacle unfolding in the Middle East is that for sixty years we’ve repeatedly experienced the same Islamist game plan for defeating us that is being employed today. There is no tactic currently being used by the Muslim Brothers and other […]

Middle East Madness
by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Last week, Muslim mobs took to the streets to murder the American ambassador in Libya and three of his staffers. American embassies were attacked from Egypt to Yemen.

Obama’s Middle East Delusions
by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media The Premodern Middle East and Postmodern West Don’t Mix, Mr. President Globalization certainly did not bring the premodern world of the Middle East closer together with the postmodern West — despite Barack Obama’s 2007 narcissistic vows that his own intellect and background could bridge such a gap.

Islam’s Black Flag Flies over Egypt
by Raymond Ibrahim FrontPage Magazine The United States embassy of Egypt is under siege. According to Fox News,