The Fragility of the Woke
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review A TikTok video that recently went viral on social media showed a recent Harvard graduate threatening to stab anyone who said “all lives matter.” In her melodrama, she tried to sound intimidating with her histrionics. She won a huge audience, as she intended. But her video also came to […]

Angry Reader 07-07-2020
From An Angry Reader: Subject: Fox News appearance Hi, As I watched you on McCallum’s show sort of hesitantly and with some confusion discuss your claims about Biden’s cognitive state, my mom’s dementia came to mind. I recommend you take the usual battery of tests to determine where you are on the spectrum…and perhaps refrain […]

An Industry of Untruth
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness The current revolution is based on a series of lies, misrepresentations, and distortions, whose weight will soon sink it. Viral confusion Unfortunately few in authority have been more wrong, and yet more self-righteously wrong, than the esteemed Dr. Anthony Fauci. Given his long service as the director of the […]

Angry Reader 07-06-2020
From An Angry Reader: Professor Hanson: In your recent article Class, Not Race, Divides America, you said: Whatever Trump was, he talked to blacks just as he talked to everyone else—same accent, same mannerism, same vocabulary. He was not going to feign a black patois and pander in the Joe Biden style of “Put y’all […]

Universities Sowing the Seeds of Their Own Obsolescence
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review When mobs tore down a statue of Ulysses S. Grant and defaced a monument to African-American veterans of the Civil War, many people wondered whether the protesters had ever learned anything in high school or college. Did any of these iconoclasts know the difference between Grant and Robert E. Lee? […]

When States Go Wild
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review In past rioting, over the last 60 years, mayors, police chiefs, and governors restored law and order. They often beseeched the federal government for backup when they were unsure of their efforts. Now, in a first, they are more often passive in the face of massive lawlessness and disorder. […]

When the Bidexit?
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review We have reached a strange impasse in the campaign in which weakness is seen as strength. The fact that Biden is cognitively impaired and hiding in his basement in virtual incommunicado is now seen as a valuable strategy, given that Trump is dealing with the virus, lockdowns, the economy, […]

Trump Will Win If He Responds to Righteous Voter Rage
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness The 2020 election will be decided in the fall by swing voters in ten or 15 states. Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, those voters were leaning to reelect President Trump, largely on the powers of incumbency and a near-record vibrant economy. The Democratic left-wing primary agendas, from the New […]

Putin’s best-laid plans for lifetime rule
The following article is from my colleague Paul Roderick Gregory in The Hill Vladimir Putin cannot afford to be an ex-president. Any successor will blame him for all that is wrong in Russia. There would be a mad dash to recoup (divide) his billions stashed offshore. He might even face international courts on charges of state […]

2020 Election Will Be a Contest of the Angry
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The old 2020 election was supposed to be about many familiar issues. It is not anymore. Up until now, the candidates themselves would supposedly be the story in November. The Left had cited Trump’s tweets and erratic firings as windows into his dark soul. The Right had replied that an […]

The Triumph of the Country Mouse
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review In Aesop’s Fables and Horace’s Satires a common classical allegory is variously retold about the country mouse and his sophisticated urban cousin. The city-slicker mouse first visits his rustic cousin’s simple rural hole and is quickly bored and unimpressed by both the calm and the simple fare. When the roles are soon reversed, […]

What Happens When the Madness Ends?
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness When something cannot go on, it certainly will not go on. But what are the symptoms of what cannot go on and when? There are two historic red lines and our revolution is getting close to both. When Normal People Grow Weary One is when “average” people, both white […]

A Presidential Campaign Simile: Storm-Tossed Galleon
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Presidential campaigns are like galleons sailing into port, their metaphorical Election Day destinations. Some arrive there first, others not at all. The news cycle is the propellant wind, their own campaigns the ship and its sails, and the candidates the captains on the bridge. Sometimes, no matter how tall […]

Victor Davis Hanson says ‘the left has used’ George Floyd’s death to stage cultural revolution
Author and Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson told “The Brian Kilmeade Show” on Wednesday that the left has “hijacked” the protests over the death of George Floyd in order to stage a cultural revolution. Watch the video here

How Cultural Revolutions Die — or Not
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Unlike coups or political revolutions, cultural revolutions don’t just change governments or leaders. Instead, they try to redefine entire societies. Their leaders call them “holistic” and “systematic.” Cultural revolutionaries attack the very referents of our daily lives. The Jacobins’ so-called Reign of Terror during the French Revolution slaughtered Christian clergy, […]

Class, Not Race, Divides America
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Nothing is stranger in these tense days than the monotony of the inexact and non-descriptive mantra of “white privilege” and “white solidarity”—as if there is some monolithic white bloc, or as if class matters not at all. In truth, the clingers, the deplorables, the irredeemables, and Joe Biden’s “dregs” […]

Military-Intelligence Complex
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Not long after a number of generals and admirals recently weighed in with renewed criticism of the president in orchestrated unison, presidential candidate Joe Biden seemed giddy at their effort. After breezily asserting that “this president is going to try to steal this election,” Biden then charged additionally that Trump […]

Not-So-Swift Smear
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review I recently wrote about a number of retired high-ranking generals and admirals, none running for office or currently serving in the Trump administration, whose strident criticisms of the present elected president were setting an unfortunate precedent. Many disagreed. There are certainly arguments to consider on both sides. But rarely have I […]

The NYT and the Cotton op-ed: Opinion or party line?
The following article is from my colleague Paul Roderick Gregory in The Hill Sometimes it takes an outsider to see things clearly. The Neue Zurcher Zeitung (NZZ) ranks as a fiercely independent newspaper, much like the Swiss people themselves. The high-quality Zurich newspaper is no fan of Donald Trump. It is, therefore, noteworthy that the NZZ views with […]

Victor Davis Hanson on removing Confederate statues and the erasing of American History
What began as a call to remove the statues of some Confederate leaders has escalated into a full-on debate over whether getting rid of historical monuments is really helping support racial equality or simply erasing a part of American history. Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, put the debate into historical context. Watch the video here