Week In Review: Connected to Reality
Week In Review: Connected to Reality Read More »
Victor Davis Hanson // Private Papers Part Two Item: For the millions of Americans who lived through inflation and stagflation from 1974-1983, why would we ever wish to return to all that? We more or less avoided both the last forty years by being semi-profligate rather than whole-hog profligate. Now and then we saw a
VDH UltraEeyore’s Cabinet: “Cannibalism, Suicide, or What?” Read More »
Part One The two-parties used to have coherent, if antithetical, agendas. The Left believed foremost in equality of result (now renamed “equity”), the Right far more in an equality of opportunity. The former distrusted individuality and considered liberty problematic; the latter even more so feared government and its plan to reengineer income, and the daily
VDH UltraEeyore’s Cabinet: Cannibalism, Suicide, or What? Read More »
Victor Davis Hanson // Art19 and Just the News Listen to Victor Davis Hanson speak with cohost Jack Fowler on Afghanistan, Cuba, class and the Left’s real lack of reality. Can the lack of connect to reality of racialism go on? At the end, they discuss Hunter as blackmail artist of his own father. Share
The Traditionalist: Damned If You Do… Read More »
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness In the old days, Democrats had predictable agendas, supposedly focused on individual rights, the “little guy,” and distrust of the military-industrial-intelligence complex. The Left, often on spec, blasted the wealthy, whether the “lucre” was self-made or inherited. The old-money rich were lampooned as idle drones. If the rich were
Victor Davis Hanson // Private Papers Part Two Eight years after that last auto-avicide, the barn began to slowly tip over as the old eucalyptus poles wobbled, and the fir rafters finally after a near century and a half bent. At some point, after 40 years of fixing, repairing, borrowing to keep ancient things viable,
A Child’s Garden of Animals: Barnicide Read More »