The President We Deserve?

Will Americans choose a difference course for the country this election season? by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine In 1920 H.L Mencken wrote prophetically, “As democracy is perfected, the office of the President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of […]

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What Defines ‘Hispanic’?

In a racially diverse America, we have no discernible rules for what determines one’s race. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Once upon a time, the liberal position was to reject the old discriminatory branding of people by the color of their skins rather than by the content of their characters. Not now.

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Still Getting Jihadism Wrong

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine President Obama’s recent claim that Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam was nothing new. Since 9/11, we have heard from both ends of the political spectrum that jihadist terror has material causes and psychological conditions created by social, political, or economic dysfunctions. This argument is an

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Ruins of the Middle East

Obama shuns our friends and courts our enemies. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Obama’s unfortunate Middle East legacy was predicated on six flawed assumptions: (1) a special relationship with Turkey; (2) distancing the U.S. from Israel; (3) empathy for Islamist governments as exemplified by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; (4) a sort

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From Comedy to Farce

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJMedia It was tragically comical that the commander in chief in just a few weeks could go from referring to ISIS as “jayvee” and a manageable problem to declaring it an existential threat, in the same manner he upgraded the Free Syrian Army from amateurs and a fantasy to our

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Obama’s Ideal Revolution

America’s current revolutionary inspiration seems to derive more from Robespierre than Madison. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online At the end of the 18th century, there were two great Western revolutions — the American and the French. Americans opted for the freedom of the individual, and divinely endowed absolute rights and values. A

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Making Harding Look Good

The Obama administration has tarnished nearly every major federal agency. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  Many have described the Obama departure from the 70-year-old bipartisan postwar foreign policy of the United States as reminiscent of Jimmy Carter’s failed 1977–81 tenure. There is certainly the same messianic sense of self, the same naïveté,

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Welcome to Fantasy Island

Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Listen to the president and one would think that he was in office during the financial crisis that began on September 15, 2008. For the nth time, Obama reminded the nation on 60 Minutes of the financial meltdown he inherited. That is his usual way of suggesting to the

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Reasons for Political Hope

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine Many Republicans are excited about the midterm elections. They see a good chance of taking over the Senate, which means they can neutralize Obama’s last few years in office. Many also are hopeful about the presidential election in 2016, though Hillary Clinton will enter that race with decided

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