The Left

Obama Becomes the Fall Guy

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Suddenly, liberal op-ed writers are trashing — even lampooning — Barack Obama as a one-term president (“one and done”). Centrist Democrats up for reelection in 2012 openly worry about inviting a kindred president into their districts, lest the new pariah lose them votes. Share This

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Obama’s Paradoxes

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Consider the myriad paradoxes of the Obama age. Unprecedented government borrowing is out of control, unsustainable, and finally causing financial markets to panic. Share This

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Land of the Lawless

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media When the Law Does Not Pay I do not think in California there is much law these days. We are regressing to the days of my grandfather’s stories who used to relate to me a wild Central Valley circa 1900 when the sheriff was a day away. Share This

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Libya Is Not Iraq

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The Left is terribly embarrassed about the US intervention in Libya. We have preemptively attacked an Arab Muslim nation that posed little threat to the national-security interests of the United States. Share This

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Clueless on Cario

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media My Three-week Victory, Your Seven-year Mess It is difficult trying to figure out what the left’s position is on democracy and the Middle East. Here’s a brief effort. Share This

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by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Barack Obama 1.0 had a solid record of hard-left governance as an Illinois state representative and US senator. He voted for partial-birth abortion, wanted all troops out of Iraq by March 2008, and proved himself the most partisan of the 100 members of the Senate, even to the

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The Bloomberg Syndrome

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services After the recent Tucson, Ariz., shootings, Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik, a Democrat, almost immediately and without evidence claimed that conservative anti-government speech had set off alleged killer Jared Lee Loughner. Share This

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