
The Progressive Gitmo Myth

by Bruce Thornton// FrontPage Magazine The swap of probable deserter Bowe Bergdahl for 5 “high-risk” Guantánamo detainees is about more than political public relations. By releasing some of the worst murderers, this deal prepares the ground for Obama’s long-term goal of shutting down the Guantánamo Bay detention facility and releasing the remaining detainees. According to […]

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The Truth Drips Out

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner  For over a year and a half the White House successfully withheld communications between public servants, apparently in hopes that the death of four Americans in Benghazi would not become an issue in the 2012 election (at the eleventh hour CNN’s Candy Crowley did her best to

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America’s New Anti-Strategy

Our allies and our enemies have seriously recalculated where the U.S. stands. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  It was not difficult to define American geopolitical strategy over the seven decades following World War II — at least until 2009. It was largely bipartisan advocacy, most ambitiously, for nations to have the freedom of

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Nuclear Gangbangers

Hostile countries with nuclear capabilities have the upper hand on the global police. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  The gangster state of North Korea became a nuclear power in 2006–07, despite lots of foreign aid aimed at precluding just such proliferation — help usually not otherwise accorded such a loony dictatorship. Apparently the

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Jihad vs Terrorism: Listen to What Islam’s Authorities Say

by Raymond Ibrahim // RaymondIbrahim.com A recent Arabic article appearing in Egypt’s Al Ahram newspaper titled “Is Terrorism Jihad?” written by Islamic law expert Dr. Abdul Fatah Idris offers important lessons—from the fact that jihad does involve subjugating non-Muslims to why the Western mentality is still incapable of acknowledging it. Share This

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The Failure of American Leadership

Obama’s foreign policy of appeasement has created a dangerous void in the international order. by Victor Davis Hanson // Defining Ideas  The standard critique of President Obama’s foreign policy is now generally well-known—mercurial, paradoxical, and passive. “Leading from behind” seems at odds with the traditional American commitment to ensure—preferably with allies or, if need be, alone—the

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Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2013

by Raymond Ibrahim // Gatestone Institute  The degradation of Christian women living in the Islamic world continued in the month of June.  In Syria, after the al-Qaeda linked rebel group conquered Qusair, a city of the governate of Homs, 15-year-old Mariam was kidnapped, repeatedly gang raped according to a fatwa legitimizing the rape of non-Sunni women by any

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