Joe Biden

Victor Davis Hanson Show

The Destruction of American Cities

VDH and co-host Jack Fowler discuss the left’s destruction of some of America’s greatest cities through their policies and ideology of being light on crime. Also, more Biden family corruption, the anniversary of the Battle of Lexington, and the relationship between what the Soviets did with athletes and what we see today with males competing

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Can We Do Anything About America’s Decline?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Twenty-first-century America was on a trajectory of gradual decline—until it began to implode. Was the accelerant the COVID-19 pandemic and unhinged lockdowns? Or was the catalyst the woke revolution fueled by the 2020 summer of exempted rioting, looting, arson, and violence? Or was it perhaps the deranged fixation on removing

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Fiddling America Away

The last few weeks, the world had been writing off the United States as either crazy or irrelevant as it watches America cannibalize itself. Friends tremble at our sudden decline. Enemies rejoice. Neutrals make the necessary adjustments to join the ascendant non-American side. The symptoms of our decline abroad appear everywhere. The more Joe Biden

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Indict One—And All?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness As we await the publication of all the impending indictments of former President Donald Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Americans are trying to figure out what constitutes an indictable offense for current and retired public officials. Most legal experts, Left and Right, have noted: 1) Bragg promised in

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