January 6

A Decade of Conspiracists?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Who has most peddled conspiracy allegations the last nine years—all of them false and nearly all of them influencing national elections and public policies? Once a target is constructed as Hitlerian, almost any means necessary to quash that perceived existential threat become justified. And we have seen a lot of …

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How Left-wing Conspiracies Work

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Since 2016, there has been a clear pattern to left-wing conspiracies—beyond the obvious fact that they traffic in lies, stereotypes, and paranoia to serve precise political agendas. We now know that the conspiracy to cook up the Russian-collusion hoax—Donald Trump allegedly conniving with Vladimir Putin to rig the 2016 vote—was …

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

The Backwardness of Modern Progressives

Join with Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler as they analyze Fauci’s backtrack on his COVID policies, how Oct. 7 woke us up to DEI, applying DEI to past “minoritized” leaders and groups, and Hillsdale College unfairly attacked by NY Times article on election denial. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Eye on the Prize

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about the Biden speech on January 6, Democratic and Republican campaigns, the damage of court cases against Trump, Ann Coulter interviews VDH, and how the GOP should keep their focus on defeating Democrats rather than fight each other. Share This

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Will Partisan Lawfare Destroy Trump?

Trump Derangement Syndrome became Orwellian with the recent ruling of the Colorado Supreme Court. It approved the erasure of Trump from the Republican primary ballot in Colorado, by invoking Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. That ossified clause was intended to bar any ante-bellum federal officials who joined the Confederacy from again holding federal offices after …

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We Are Well Beyond Hypocrisy

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The abject narcissism of the insular Left is startling. They apparently believe the American public is amnesiac enough to forget what leftists once did, now that they’re doing the utter opposite. And they assume we are to discount their hypocrisy and self-absorption simply because they self-identify as erudite and moral …

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Immigration, Weaponization, and Censorship

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler examine the old left’s idea of immigration, Simpson-Mazzoli Act, sentencing Jan. 6 participants, weaponizing the administration, the censorship industrial complex, and de-leftification of universities. Share This

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How To Create Conspiracy Theories

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness It is easy to birth conspiracy theories. All that is required is chronic government stonewalling of reasonable requests for transparency. Then add in high officials serially lying under oath, along with the blatantly unequal application of the law. Institutionalize arguments from authority of politicians and bureaucrats who refuse to adjudicate …

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The Absurdities of Our Age

The Absurdities of Our Age

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness A sign of a civilization in headlong decline is its embrace of absurdities. Unfortunately for the United States, we are witnessing an epidemic of nihilist nonsense. Here are a few examples: Reparations  How could a dysfunctional state like California even contemplate $800 billion in reparations? The state currently faces a …

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