George Bush

Foreign Policy: From Bad to None

Our enemies are gloating, and our allies are grimly deciding where to go from here. by Victor Davis Hanson Barack Obama had a foreign policy for about five years, and now he has none. The first-term foreign policy’s assumptions went something like this. Obama was to assure the world that he was not George W. […]

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Obama’s Foreign Policy: Enemy Action

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine  It’s often hard to determine whether a series of bad policies results from stupidity or malicious intent. Occam’s razor suggests that the former is the more likely explanation, as conspiracies assume a high degree of intelligence, complex organization, and secrecy among a large number of people, qualities that usually

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How Presidents Lie

It’s nothing new for a president to lie to us, but Obama’s style is unique. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  In the past there have been all sorts of presidential fibbing. Some chief executives make promises that they know they probably cannot or will not keep. Before his reelection for his third term

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Obama and the Suspension of Disbelief

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media  Adding straws of scandal — Fast and Furious, the Associated Press monitoring, the IRS fiasco, and the NSA spying — on any presidential back except Barack Obama’s would have long ago broken it. Watergate ruined Richard Nixon. Iran-Contra earned a special prosecutor and nearly destroyed the Reagan second term.

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Needed: A Different Sort of President

Charismatic career politicians don’t make the best commanders-in-chief. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  The second terms of the latest three presidents have not been successful. Bill Clinton was impeached after his infamous lie to Americans, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” George W. Bush was blamed for the postwar violence

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Obama’s Credibility Gap

The former hope-and-change president no longer gets a pass. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  By 1968, President Lyndon Baines Johnson was finally done in by his “credibility gap” — the growing abyss between what he said about, and what was actually happening inside, Vietnam. “Modified limited hangout” and “inoperative” were infamous euphemisms that

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Predictably Misleading

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner  The one requisite in a presidential speech is honesty. Without it, nothing else matters. The president’s speech last night was incoherent in its call to be ready at some future day to use force that he just recently insisted must be used immediately. Share This

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Syrian Knowns and Unknowns

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media   1) Red lines: Does anyone believe we would be on the eve of a war with Syria had not Barack Obama on two occasions — echoed on two others by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — warned Bashar Assad of red lines surrounding the use of WMD? Share This

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Obama’s Farce

He sold his plan for bombing Syria on flawed political assumptions. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online   To support the president’s enforcement of his red line in Syria requires suspensions of disbelief. Here are several. I wish it were not true, but there is scant evidence that the world, led by the U.S.,

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Epitaph for a Foreign Policy

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine If you still doubt that Barack Obama has disastrously bungled our foreign policy, check out this video. In it Egyptian singer Salma Elmasry brutally insults Obama for supporting the Muslim Brothers and Islamists in general, her vulgar insults laced with an image of our President sporting a bin Laden cap

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