Identity Politics

Lying for the Cause

If myths do more for social progress than facts — then why worry? by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Well aside from “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor,” or blanket amnesty that is and is not lawful for a president to grant, there is a special category of progressive […]

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Ripples of Ferguson

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media There is some blame to go around in nearly all racial confrontations. Why the body of Michael Brown was left in the street for hours seems inexplicable. The apparent chokehold that contributed to the death of Eric Garner, with the benefit of video hindsight, does not seem to

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The End of Feminism

by Bruce S. Thornton // Defining Ideas California recently passed a law requiring that sexual encounters between students in universities and colleges can proceed only on the basis of “affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement.” Failure to resist or to ask the partner to stop the encounter can no longer be taken as consent. Institutions that

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Liberalism in Ruins

Obama’s hubristic promises have been followed by a total discrediting of his ideology. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Barack Obama will end his tenure with the ruin of Hope and Change. The implosion was brought about not by the marginalization of Hope and Change, but by the power of the U.S. government

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When the Law Is a Drag

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media In the Ferguson disaster [1], the law was the greatest casualty. Civilization cannot long work if youths strong-arm shop owners and take what they want. Or walk down the middle of highways high on illicit drugs. Or attack police officers and seek to grab their weapons. Or fail

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Voting ‘no’ on Obama’s immigration policies

by Victor Davis Hanson // TSM Everyone finds a lesson in the Republican midterm tsunami. One message was that so-called comprehensive immigration reform and broad amnesty have little national public support. Polls have long shown that, but so do last week’s election results. Candidates in swing states who promised amnesties got no edge from such

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Crimes of Exactly What?

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJMedia The recent unfortunate shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and its violent aftermath seem to have had everything and nothing to do with race.  Brown was black and unarmed and the officer white; but it is equally true that the 292-pound Brown likely committed a number of crimes

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What Defines ‘Hispanic’?

In a racially diverse America, we have no discernible rules for what determines one’s race. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Once upon a time, the liberal position was to reject the old discriminatory branding of people by the color of their skins rather than by the content of their characters. Not now.

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The Moral Failures of Eric Holder

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Eric Holder’s left many baleful legacies: being censured by the House of Representatives; withholding subpoenaed documents, proving untruthful about a failed gun-walking caper in Mexico; failing to enforce laws on the books, from immigration to the elements of the Affordable Care Act; illegally billing the government for his

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