

The Obama administration is altering its language like there’s no tomorrow. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  The Obama administration once gave us “man-caused disasters” for acts of terrorism and “workplace violence” for the Fort Hood shootings. Now it has trumped those past linguistic contortions by changing words to mask the Obamacare disaster. The

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Obama’s Noble Lies

Stop worrying whether the president’s statements conform to ossified standards if truth. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  What is the common denominator of the Obama administration’s serial scandals — the Justice Department’s spying on AP, the IRS targeting of conservative groups, the NSA surveillance, the lies about Benghazi and the ACA — and much of the White

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The Rule of Law?

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner  When his pet businesses did not like elements of the Affordable Care Act, Obama simply exempted them. When employers objected that their mandate would unduly hamper job creation, the president simply ignored the settled law and exempted them. Now, when millions have lost their coverage, the president is

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Obamacare Is Dead. Long Live Obamacare!

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner  In the next 90 days, the Obama administration will have to declare victory and then abandon most of Obamacare. The legislation defies the laws of physics—more and broader coverage for more people at less cost—as well as logic: Young people, on average as a cohort with higher debt and less

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Obamacare and Human Nature

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner Obamacare was predicated on the idea that it would be techie-driven and noble in inspiration, and therefore, presto, just had to work. But the entire program, whether one likes it or not, assumes things that simply are contrary to human nature, and therefore, unless modified, will never offer

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The Obamacare Ten-Step Self-Help Program

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner As all the still underappreciated contours of Obamacare become known, and as those who hold employer-provided plans will soon discover their existing “scams” also do not pass ACA muster, the public will begin to understand that Obamacare is another redistributive zero-sum plan to transfer wealth from one segment

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ObamaCare and the Techocratic Abyss

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine The continuing disaster of the Obamacare website, like the law itself, illustrates one of the biggest bad ideas of the Progressive movement, one that reflects a central assumption of modernity: that new knowledge is now available that will allow an elite of technicians to order society more justly

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Obamacare Redefines the Shutdown

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner  Democratic senators up for reelection in 13 months are now embracing, in their calls to delay Obamacare, the same themes as did the House Republicans and a few senators a few weeks ago—hoping to preempt mounting criticism. In this surreal landscape, three weeks ago Obamacare was unquestioned “settled”

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New Coke Health Care?

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO’s The Corner  The president has compared the rollout disaster of Obamacare to temporary tech glitches with a new-model iPhone. But a better comparison is the disastrous 1985 campaign to replace Coca-Cola with “New Coke,” a new sweeter formula that was supposed to stop Pepsi from gaining more market share. Despite

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