Obama’s Chicago Presidency
What you can do if you don’t care what anybody says. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Senator Robert Menendez (D., N.J.) was a vocal critic both of President Obama’s executive-action opening to Cuba and his nuclear non-proliferation talks with Iran. In the midst of his loud opposition, he found himself suddenly the target […]

The Rules of Racialists—Part Two
by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Last week I reviewed some rules to navigate [1] in our race-obsessed culture. Here are three final statutes. 3) Class Is Irrelevant In our racialist society, race always trumps class. In that sense, we do live in a classless society — at least as far as racial matters […]

Tom Cotton, Tragic Hero
Despite the value of his open letter, he will become Obama’s scapegoat when the Iran negotiations inevitably fail. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The snarky quip attributed to 19th-century French foreign minister Charles Maurice de Talleyrand — “It was worse than a crime; it was a blunder” — has recently been making the […]

The Rules of Racialists — Part One
by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Never should racial relations be better. Intermarriage between various ethnic, religious, and racial groups has become commonplace. Every family that I know can no longer be termed white or Latino or black, despite the efforts of government and academic clerks to insist on such. Cousins, nephews, grandkids, spouses, […]

The Putin Way
Putin is following a blueprint that dates back to Philip of Macedon. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Nothing that Vladimir Putin has done in gobbling up territories of the former Soviet Union is new. In fact, he simply apes every tyrant’s time-honored four-step plan of aggression. INVADE, WAIT — AND INVADE From Philip […]

At the White House, There’s Nobody Home
The absence of true leadership has created chaos at home and abroad. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online What has gone wrong with the U.S. government in the past month? Just about everything, from the fundamental to the ridiculous. Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the United States to warn Congress about the […]

It’s Not Just Islam, It’s the Tribal Mentality
by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine The “nothing to do with Islam” mantra took a hit recently in one of the premier organs of liberal received wisdom, The Atlantic. Many have greeted as a revelation Graeme Wood’s article on the Islamic doctrines behind ISIS’s atrocities. Regular readers of FrontPage and Jihad Watch will not […]

Hillary or Bust!
She’s weighed down with negatives, but do the Democrats have a choice? by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Hillary Clinton will not run in 2016 on the slogan of continuing the hope-and-change policies of Barack Obama. The president has not enjoyed a 50 percent approval rating since a brief period after his reelection. And […]

A Tale of Four Droughts
by Victor Davis Hanson // PJMedia California is not suffering one drought, but four. Each is a metaphor of what California has become. Nature The first California drought, of course, is natural. We are now in the midst of a fourth year of record low levels of snow and rain.

Why the E-Gate Epidemic?
From Petraeus to Hillary, public servants have been trying to manipulate the historical record in their favor. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Former CIA director David Petraeus plea-bargained to a misdemeanor count of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material after having given classified government information to his one-time mistress, Paula Broadwell. How […]

by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO- The Corner Hillary stonewalled and has now outsourced her problem to attack-dog subordinates and Democratic stalwarts who, she believes, have Hillary—or no one—for 2016. I guess the message is “I’m lying, so what?”

How Many Straws on Hillary’s Back?
She is the star of the Democratic party — and for Democrats that’s a big problem. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Hillary Clinton’s pre-campaign for the 2016 presidential race is predicated on three givens: her landmark status as the likely first female presidential candidate of one of the two major parties; her name […]

Israel, Jews, and the Obama Administration
by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Even some Democrats in Congress have come to the conclusion that after the brouhaha over Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech before Congress, President Obama wants to radically downgrade the long American special relationship with democratic Jewish Israel — and perhaps has a dislike of the idea of Israel. […]

Riding the Pollercoaster
by Victor Davis Hanson // NRO- The Corner Though polls employ different scientific methodologies, as a whole they are more often right than wrong. Everyone assumes that sampling public opinion remains an art, and is not immune from the biases of the pollster. Still, how does one explain not just discrepancies, but massive ones, between polls? […]

The Audacity of Weakness
Obama’s morally confused foreign policy is making the world more dangerous by the day. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to Congress on Tuesday to warn Americans of the anti-Western threats from theocratic — and likely to soon be nuclear — Iran. Netanyahu came to the U.S. to […]

Bad Ideas Breed Bad Foreign Policy
by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine Barack Obama’s foreign policy will go down in U.S. history as one of the most dangerously inept ever. Created by equal amounts of ignorance, arrogance, and partisan politics, the president’s policies have left behind a world in which rivals and enemies are on the march, while allies and […]

Finding the Great Republican Hope
The GOP can’t win in 2016 by thinking inside the box. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The usual criteria for political success — plenty of New York and Washington IOUs, youthful vigor, good looks, glibness, access to lots of money — aren’t sufficient any longer to galvanize the Republican party or get out […]

The Liberal Circus
by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Lately liberalism has gone from psychodrama to farce. Take Barack Obama. He has gone from mild displeasure with Israel to downright antipathy. Suddenly we are in a surreal world where off-the-record slurs from the administration against Benjamin Netanyahu as a coward and chickensh-t have gone to full-fledged attacks […]

Make the ISIS Caliphate a Jihadist Kill Zone
by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine President Obama’s proposed Authorization for the Use of Military Force against ISIS comes at a time when Iran and ISIS are fomenting disorder and destruction throughout the Middle East. Despite the enmity between these two species of jihadism, both pose serious threats to our interests and security and […]

Our Illiberal Immigration Policy Leads to Chaos
We need a meritocratic, ethnically blind system — the opposite of the status quo. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online A federal judge has temporarily blocked President Obama’s executive order that overrode existing immigration law. The result is more acrimony and chaos. It is a good time to remember that there are more than […]