Democrat Dilemmas

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Here is the problem with the old-style Obama strategy of slicing and dicing the electorate into aggrieved minorities and then gluing them back together to achieve a 51% majority. On almost every issue in this election that they should be running on, they simply cannot. And on those […]

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Janet Yellen Shills for the Democrats

by Bruce Thornton // FrontPage Magazine At a conference last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen recycled a shopworn Democrat talking point about the supposed crisis of income inequality and stalled economic mobility. “The extent and continuing increase in inequality in the United States greatly concerns me,” Yellen said, going on to wonder “whether this

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Our Make-It-Up World

Facts now pale in comparison with the higher truths of progressivism. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Do bothersome facts matter anymore? Not really. This is an age when Americans were assured that the Affordable Care Act lowered our premiums. It cut deductibles. Obamacare allowed us to keep our doctors and health plans,

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Plutocratic Populism Pays

What’s with rich liberals who blast other people for being rich? by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online In early October, Barack Obama went to a $32,000-a-head fundraiser at the 20-acre estate of the aptly named billionaire Richie Richman. The day before he charmed his paying audience of liberal 1 percenters, Obama had sent

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Crimes of Exactly What?

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJMedia The recent unfortunate shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and its violent aftermath seem to have had everything and nothing to do with race.  Brown was black and unarmed and the officer white; but it is equally true that the 292-pound Brown likely committed a number of crimes

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Garrison: VDH on Ottawa Shootings

After yesterday’s horrific shooting, our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ottawa. We stand whole-heartedly with them in their fight against terrorism. Victor Davis Hanson gives his perspective on the Garrison Radio Show on 93.1 WIBC-FM that the Canadian Parliament shooting is yet another reminder of the threat we all face. For the

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America’s October Worries

Unlike the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, many of the threats we currently face are self-created. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online In October of 1962, America worried whether an untried young president, John F. Kennedy, could keep us safe from nuclear-tipped missiles from nearby Communist Cuba. Today’s October worries are more insidious:

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The Politics of Victimhood

by Bruce S. Thornton // Defining Ideas  Gabby Giffords, the former Democratic Congressman from Arizona who was shot in the head at a campaign rally in 2010, has come under fire recently for exploiting her horrific experience for political gain. Using her celebrity as a famous victim of gun violence, Giffords has created a Super

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The Biggest Lie

The Left would rather forget its old slogan, “Bush lied, thousands died.” by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The very mention of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and Iraq was toxic for Republicans by 2005. They wanted to forget about the supposed absence of recently manufactured WMD in great quantities in Iraq; Democrats saw

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