Liberalism in Ruins

Obama’s hubristic promises have been followed by a total discrediting of his ideology. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Barack Obama will end his tenure with the ruin of Hope and Change. The implosion was brought about not by the marginalization of Hope and Change, but by the power of the U.S. government […]

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When the Law Is a Drag

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media In the Ferguson disaster [1], the law was the greatest casualty. Civilization cannot long work if youths strong-arm shop owners and take what they want. Or walk down the middle of highways high on illicit drugs. Or attack police officers and seek to grab their weapons. Or fail

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For Obama, Inconvenient Law Is Irrelevant Law

The president dismantles immigration law that he finds incompatible with his own larger agenda. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online There is a humane, transparent, truthful — and constitutional — way to address illegal immigration. Unfortunately, President Obama’s unilateral plan to exempt millions of residents from federal immigration law is none of those

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The Forgotten Americans

Obama’s coalition is held together only by his personal mythography. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Political analysts still are arguing over why the Democratic party was washed away in the midterm election. Since 2008, ascendant progressives had been crowing over a fresh mosaic of energized minorities, newly franchised immigrants, single young urban

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Meet the Snobocrats

Jonathan Gruber’s disdain for the proverbial masses is thematic of the last six years. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Last week, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Jonathan Gruber, one of prominent architects of Obamacare, was exposed as little more than an elitist fraud. Gruber was caught on videotape expressing the haughty attitude

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Explaining Away Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJMedia The only mystery about the last six years is how much lasting damage has been done to the American experiment, at home and abroad. Our federal agencies are now an alphabet soup of incompetence and corruption [1]. How does the IRSever quite recover [2]? Will the Secret Service always

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A Moral Primer

Obama’s legacy: government-induced chaos at home, moral equivalence abroad. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The last but long gasp of the Obama administration is characterized not so much by deceit and incompetence as by growing chaos. Everything appears to be coming apart. The chariot of state now veers up and down with

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Thank You

Thank all of you so much for your kind messages and thoughts in these difficult times. You are all the only reason that I write, and your comments have brought our family such solace in untold ways. Sincerely your friend,  Victor Davis Hanson  Share This

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Susannah Merry Hanson: Obituary

Susannah Merry Hanson Susannah Merry Hanson, age 27, passed away suddenly on November 13 in Los Angeles, California after a brief illness. She was born in Selma, California on December 31, 1986.  She is survived by her mother Cara Webb Hanson of Clovis and Santa Cruz; her father Victor Davis Hanson of Selma; her older sister

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The End of NATO

by Victor Davis Hanson // Defining Ideas Declaring the North Atlantic Treaty Organization dead has been a pastime of analysts since the end of the Cold War. The alliance, today 28-members strong, has survived 65 years because its glaring contradictions were often overlooked, given the dangers of an expansionist and nuclear Soviet Union and its

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