In a previous comment I posited that, in my opinion, China will side with the West against Russia in order to finalize its position as the sole superpower and savior of democracy. Developments since I made that assertion lead me to believe it is correct. I would greatly enjoy Mr. Hanson “war gaming: that scenario. Glad to be a subscriber to The Blade Of Perseus. Thank you! Wes @ Empireoftruth.
What a treat to listen to your various and singular podcasts. You have become a tutor for many, especially me. Within one podcast I can marvel, I can smile and even laugh. I subscribe to your newsletter and read everything you post, including two of your books; The Dying Citizen and The Second World Wars.
I’m quite amazed at all you do, from all the TV appearances, various interviews and still find time to write all those wonderful columns. When do you sleep?
Thank you for illuminating our world so cogently.
Your hosts are to be commended too.
Regarding Mr. Fowler’s request for topics for future podcasts:
Please do a podcast on geopolitics, i.e. on how geography affects politics. Potential subtopics could be:
a. the geopolitics of ancient Greece
b. the geopolitics of Ukraine and Russia, during World War II versus today
c. the history of geopolitical thought from Alfred Thayer Mahan, Halford Mackinder, Karl Haushofer, Nicholas Spykman, George Kennan
d. geopolitics today and China’s One Belt One Road Policy
e. geopolitics of climate change and the future.
Another possible series of podcasts could be a chronological survey of the Classical literature and thought. Give introductory talks on the major authors and works of classical Greece and Rome. Provide your listeners with an outline for self study of the classics, which works are important to read and how they tie together.
Great show as always! Your comments on Biden’s and Harris’ fitness for office are spot on, and it raises the question: how did the Democrat Party manage to nominate such poor candidates in 2020? I recall that years ago, the Democrats established a system of super delegates, selected by the party leadership, whose purpose was to bring diversity and inclusion to the selection process. It seems to me that in establishing the super delegate system, the national party diluted the vote of everyday Democrats – those that are active at the state, county and local level, who serve on municipal councils and in state legislatures, and who might be more mainstream – and who might be more pragmatic, and concerned that a presidential candidate should, among other things, actually be qualified to serve if elected. Granted, the recent Virginia state election, with its tone-deaf school board members and McAuliffe (who was tainted by his extensive involvement in national politics dudring the Clinton years) might not support my assessment of state and local Democrats’ attitudes, but still – local pols often have to be more pragmatic. Just a thought.
Sing O Muse
Of Juicy Smollett
Sing about his
Subway sandwich
How with strokes
He laid about him
How he smote
Those MAGA haters.
Fore the early rays
Of morning
Down to Subway
Strode the Smollett
There to buy a
Tasty sandwich
There to buy a
Subway sandwich.
Tasty was the
Subway sandwich
Chilly was Chicago’s
On his way by
Place abandoned
In the darkness
Of the morning
Suddenly was he
Spoken to by MAGA
There with ropes and bleach
For hate crimes
There to bleach white
Juicy Smollett.
None of that
Was Juicy having.
High he raised his
Subway sandwich.
Down he brought it
On a racist
Down it came like
Bolt of thunder.
Picture now an
Almond orchard
Blooming in
The Selma valley
Picture Victor poking
Down the fall all
Even so does Juicy
Fell those mighty
MAGA haters.
Off he strides now
In the morning
High he raises
Subway sandwich
And the bleach is
His annointing
Claiming him
For social justice.
Reply to pod…
I heard victor speak about republican party meeting and talking about the party..
But the main topic victor to discuss is the party split between maga Trump group…amd the establishment cheany..Romney etc…Now the maga faction supports putin..and Russia (even with putin talking genocide)…
And establishment supporting helping Ukrainian forces.
The party will lose every election if it does not somehow come together before November.
Both sides seem so far apart and maga side believes war stories and pictures of Ukraine damage to be fake etc..and establishment calling for Ukrainian assistance….
Perhaps you…victor CA do podcast and speak of unification of republican party…
They may not like the woke democrats, but they keep getting elected.
Thank you Victor for all you do. Your brilliant commentary is so welcome to those who want the truth.
Greg Redmer
Perry Hall,MD
In a previous comment I posited that, in my opinion, China will side with the West against Russia in order to finalize its position as the sole superpower and savior of democracy. Developments since I made that assertion lead me to believe it is correct. I would greatly enjoy Mr. Hanson “war gaming: that scenario. Glad to be a subscriber to The Blade Of Perseus. Thank you! Wes @ Empireoftruth.
What a treat to listen to your various and singular podcasts. You have become a tutor for many, especially me. Within one podcast I can marvel, I can smile and even laugh. I subscribe to your newsletter and read everything you post, including two of your books; The Dying Citizen and The Second World Wars.
I’m quite amazed at all you do, from all the TV appearances, various interviews and still find time to write all those wonderful columns. When do you sleep?
Thank you for illuminating our world so cogently.
Your hosts are to be commended too.
Future Podcast Topics for Your Summer Hiatus
Regarding Mr. Fowler’s request for topics for future podcasts:
Please do a podcast on geopolitics, i.e. on how geography affects politics. Potential subtopics could be:
a. the geopolitics of ancient Greece
b. the geopolitics of Ukraine and Russia, during World War II versus today
c. the history of geopolitical thought from Alfred Thayer Mahan, Halford Mackinder, Karl Haushofer, Nicholas Spykman, George Kennan
d. geopolitics today and China’s One Belt One Road Policy
e. geopolitics of climate change and the future.
Another possible series of podcasts could be a chronological survey of the Classical literature and thought. Give introductory talks on the major authors and works of classical Greece and Rome. Provide your listeners with an outline for self study of the classics, which works are important to read and how they tie together.
Really liked the discussion of all topics. Very informative and educational.
Victor is very smart and should have his thought go more viral.
Great show as always! Your comments on Biden’s and Harris’ fitness for office are spot on, and it raises the question: how did the Democrat Party manage to nominate such poor candidates in 2020? I recall that years ago, the Democrats established a system of super delegates, selected by the party leadership, whose purpose was to bring diversity and inclusion to the selection process. It seems to me that in establishing the super delegate system, the national party diluted the vote of everyday Democrats – those that are active at the state, county and local level, who serve on municipal councils and in state legislatures, and who might be more mainstream – and who might be more pragmatic, and concerned that a presidential candidate should, among other things, actually be qualified to serve if elected. Granted, the recent Virginia state election, with its tone-deaf school board members and McAuliffe (who was tainted by his extensive involvement in national politics dudring the Clinton years) might not support my assessment of state and local Democrats’ attitudes, but still – local pols often have to be more pragmatic. Just a thought.
Sing O Muse
Of Juicy Smollett
Sing about his
Subway sandwich
How with strokes
He laid about him
How he smote
Those MAGA haters.
Fore the early rays
Of morning
Down to Subway
Strode the Smollett
There to buy a
Tasty sandwich
There to buy a
Subway sandwich.
Tasty was the
Subway sandwich
Chilly was Chicago’s
On his way by
Place abandoned
In the darkness
Of the morning
Suddenly was he
Spoken to by MAGA
There with ropes and bleach
For hate crimes
There to bleach white
Juicy Smollett.
None of that
Was Juicy having.
High he raised his
Subway sandwich.
Down he brought it
On a racist
Down it came like
Bolt of thunder.
Picture now an
Almond orchard
Blooming in
The Selma valley
Picture Victor poking
Down the fall all
Even so does Juicy
Fell those mighty
MAGA haters.
Off he strides now
In the morning
High he raises
Subway sandwich
And the bleach is
His annointing
Claiming him
For social justice.
Reply to pod…
I heard victor speak about republican party meeting and talking about the party..
But the main topic victor to discuss is the party split between maga Trump group…amd the establishment cheany..Romney etc…Now the maga faction supports putin..and Russia (even with putin talking genocide)…
And establishment supporting helping Ukrainian forces.
The party will lose every election if it does not somehow come together before November.
Both sides seem so far apart and maga side believes war stories and pictures of Ukraine damage to be fake etc..and establishment calling for Ukrainian assistance….
Perhaps you…victor CA do podcast and speak of unification of republican party…
Wisconsin friends