Thank You

SMH 1 9Thank all of you so much for your kind messages and thoughts in these difficult times. You are all the only reason that I write, and your comments have brought our family such solace in untold ways.

Sincerely your friend, 

Victor Davis Hanson 

SMH 1 3

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97 thoughts on “Thank You”


    Sometimes, and this is, unfortunately one of those times, I regret reading something that you wrote. I have a hard time knowing about this event. It has always deeply saddened when good and young people experience tragedies. I’ll never understand, or accept, what appears to be the casual distribution of happiness and sorrow without, from my perspective, any rhyme or reason. But it has always been that way.

    It is not that you are one of the few voices of reason in California. There are many. It is that you are the best voice of reason. Keep doing what you have always done. And I hope, and sometimes pray, that you live longer than I do because the World that I live in would become a much poorer place without you.

    Thank you for having the spirit to continue what you do.

  2. Mr. Hanson,

    My deepest sympathies for your great loss. May God comfort you and yours and bear you up by His grace always. Please remember that His love is eternal and His faithfulness new every morning. Lord bless you sir, now and forever.

  3. Benjamin J Franklin

    Professor & Mrs Hanson and family,
    Your words have helped me in many ways. May these simple words help you, my God bless and keep you and yours, give your family peace/strength. Remember those simple moments of your daughter and she will always be with you/yours. Bless you and your family.

  4. Dear Victor,
    I’m so sad to hear about your loss. You’re one of my heroes. May God give you and your family fortitude in this trying time.

  5. Prof. Hanson,
    My deepest sympathy for you and your family. I only wish that I were there to express my condolences in person.
    Don Braswell, USN (ret.)

  6. I am so very sorry for your loss. There is never enough time for us to be with the ones we love. May you always keep the memories of the lovely times you shared together alive and vibrant.

  7. Lawrence Mittelstadt

    Your columns have been with me so long I’ve come to feel I know you. Having had classics scholars in my family, I feel closer yet. From your obituary I think I’ve learned the answer to a question many of us have surely had, namely why you persist in staying on a farm which gives you so much grief. Because it owns you as much as you own it, no?. It seems your Suzy was the rare super nova. I’m glad she had the desire to return to the farm while she was still able to do so. Yes, you were so fortunate to have her for the time you did. But, how fortunate she was to have had you! We always want to say something when there is so little we can say. Just know that this reader cares very much.

  8. A beautiful little girl who grew to be a beautiful young woman. I am so very sorry for your loss. I pray that you and your family may find peace and a measure of comfort during your time of sorrow and grief.

  9. Je vous présente toutes mes condoléances, j’avais rencontré votre fille à Bâle en juin 2012 et je me souviens d’une fille rayonnante et pleine de bonté. Paix, paix à son âme et que Dieu vous aide. Je vous envoie toutes mes pensées positives de courage.
    yohann RIMOKH.

  10. Sincerest condolences. No greater tragedy can befall a parent than to bury their child. She was, and I am sure remains, beautiful

  11. I will not pretend to understand the heartache brought on by the loss of a child, no matter how old. I read your articles and feel like I’m conversing with an old, wise friend. So would that there were something that could ease the suffering of the friend that I have yet to know, yet feel his unknowable loss. May time, and the certainty that we will all meet again, assuage your grief.

  12. Thank you, for being here, Dr. Hanson. You make my Life bettter.
    I have two daughters. They are my treasure. … I can only imagine …

  13. So sorry for your loss, I have a son only slightly younger and wouldn’t even know how to go on if we lost him

    I will pray for your family

  14. Dr. Hanson, it is us, your appreciative friends, and colleagues who thank you and your family, for those gifts of intellect, you have brought to each of us. We grieve as friends, with you and your family, knowing only time will sooth that open wound of loss. God bless all of you.

  15. Victor

    I was very saddened and shocked after entering your site to read of the loss of your daughter. I am from Dublin, Ireland and my friends and I are keen readers of your essays and huge admirers of you. There are several people in Ireland whose thoughts are with your family, your daughters close friends and of course yourself. I have no doubt the Hanson family are a tough and resilient bunch and will continue to prosper despite this tragic loss. May she rest in peace.


  16. My dear Sir,
    Remembered from Goethe: There are people whom I wish well, and only wish I could wish better.
    Robin Snyder

  17. Dr. Hanson,

    I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter, especially at such a young age. Because of you and the rest of her loving family, she experienced more love and joy in her lifetime than many people do, regardless of their length of time on this Earth; I hope you find comfort in this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  18. I’m so, so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your family. May God and wonderful memories give you peace.

  19. Don Lowrance, MS, DDS

    Few pains in life equal losing a child, whether old or young. It is physical and emotional. Only time improves the discomfort in your heart and stomach. My sympathy and heart felt prayers go out to you and Susannah”s friends and family.
    Don and Karen Lowrance

  20. May God comfort and cradle your family in your sorrow. May the Peace which passeth all understanding, be yours. I am a father of two. Your family is in our prayers. Peace.

  21. So sorry for what you and your family members are going through right now. Can’t even begin to imagine the pain you must feel.

  22. So sorry for your loss, Victor. I will be praying that God will comfort you and your family and for a peace that surpasses all understanding.

  23. Theodore W. Branin

    Professor Hanson,
    You are my North Star in these troubled times. Next week I am 75 years here and find that I have no words except I was stunned and had a tear in my eye when I read about your beautiful Susannah. Know that the greatest stress a person can endure is the death of a child.
    Deepest sympathies,
    TBranin, Esquire

  24. Dear Dr. Hanson,

    I live in Berkshire in the United Kingdom, and have read your articles for many years. As a young man, your writings have helped form who I am and how I think.

    Please know that there are people, such as myself, who, although half the world away, are thinking of and praying for you and your family.

    My deepest condolences for your loss.


    David Connell

  25. Dr. Hason, You are always a pillar of strength to those of us who admire your work and your intellect. You comfort us by reminding us that we are not alone in our struggle for freedom. Please now be reminded that we are also here to provide strength to you and your family during your time of loss.

    Be at peace,

    Your friend (whether you know it or not),

    Joe Richer

    Lastly –
    “You cannot conceive the many without the one” -Plato

  26. Dr. Hanson,

    We offer our sincere condolences regarding the loss of your daughter. It made your loss more personal to us since your daughter was the same age as our older son. He took two of your courses at Hillsdale and thinks the world of you. We will keep you and your family in our prayers.

    Steve Yount

  27. Dear Dr. Hanson,

    May you and your family find peace and comfort in the understanding that this world is temporary, and that our lives are but a vapor. There is something much greater — and permanent — to follow for those of us who believe, and choose to obey, our Father in heaven. It is my hope that you will be reunited with your daughter in heaven.

    Deepest condolences and warmest wishes,


  28. Mary Gray Whitcomb

    Bless you. I pray for your hearts to find some peace and solace in your beautiful memories of your beloved daughter, Suzy.

  29. God bless you and your family. You will be in my prayers. The photos of you and your beautiful daughter bring me to tears. I know your pain must be great. I have a son and a daughter, too. I hope you find comfort.

  30. Thank you for sharing Susannah with us. I will miss her beautiful smile. She always brightened my day when we crossed paths. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

  31. Dear Mr Hanson,

    Our deepest sympathy for your loss. We have suffered the loss of a child and know a little of your pain. Hope and prayers for you and family during this difficult time.

    Kind Regards,

    The Tallakson Family

  32. Dear Dr. Hanson,

    Your deep humanism, inimitable style, and keen insights on our times are a constant inspiration to me. After my morning prayers and reading of the scriptures, yours are the first words to which I turn. For years, your Private Papers have been my browser’s home page. Your loss is all our loss. We have never met, but I feel your grief as though it were my own. May the Lord uphold you, and carry your prophetic voice forward with even greater effect.

    Jack Niewold, PhD
    Terrebonne, OR

  33. Ron Henderson, Sr.

    Let me add my sincere and deepest condolenses to you for your loss. I had the pleasure and opportunity to accompany you on the European Battlefields Tour a few years ago. Please continue the great work you are doing. You are an inspiration to many.

  34. God bless you and your family. We bring them into this world and subject them to its faults. But to not would be to miss out on all the love they create and the gifts they bring.

    You have my deepest regard and sympathy.

    Dave Hughes

  35. Professor Hanson,

    I just read about your loss and I express my deepest condolences to you and your family. There really are few words at this time other than to let you know you have been an exceptional force to so many of us in the years post 911 and are in my prayers. Please try your best to stay as active as possible, both emotionally and physically. This is a marathon.

    Very truly yours,

    Evan Grant

  36. Dear sir and family: I humbly offer my condolences for the loss of your beloved.
    I have enjoyed your writings both blog and books. Please take whatever time you need to grieve.
    I will include you and your family in my prayers. I will pray – May you come through this dark dank valley of sadness and take the happiest memories you once and celebrate them as if on a beautiful, bright and crisp mountaintop.

  37. Michael Smith, M.A., History to 1000A.D. SF State U

    I treasure your renderings of the ancient wars, down to Shiloh and Iwo Jima, that I’ve re-read repeatedly and minutely and annotated with post-its sticking out all over. I’ve gratefully quoted and cited your scholarship, without which the lessons of these important events would be simply absent from guiding our management of modern problems..
    Much the most striking fact to me has been that scholars we study and revere as framers of freedom and democracy, had themselves in youth been in the phalances as humble hoplites, doing hand-to-hand combat for their polities, grunts. This has illuminated my grasp of the glittering immediacy of these formerly stodgy events. Your account of the journey of General Lew Wallace up from the Shiloh controversy, through his Ben Hur career, thrilled me anew when my brother Kevin, a Bonham’s auction house executive, let me examine Lew Wallace memorabilia prior to sale. A multi-tactile spiritual connection.
    May your daughter’s spectacular life soothe you and comfort you forever

  38. Please, no reason to thank us. We all grieve for the terrible loss of your daughter and I know if we could do something to change events, we would. I have two daughters and one son and cannot imagine what losing any of them would be like.

  39. Raenalle DeGidio

    Dr. Hanson, you are so welcome! Just keep writing, because you are a voice of truth in a time when deception rules. God bless you and your family!

  40. Dimitrios John T.

    Victor Davis Hanson and family, please accept my deepest condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

  41. Dr. Hanson,
    Please accept my belated condolences. I am out of town at UCSD attending to my own daughter’s cancer surgery and missed the notice of your Susannah’s passing. I can only imagine the pain and loss you are feeling. May The Lord bless you and your family. I will pray for your family’s healing as you come together to deal with this unfathomable loss. I know my words provide little comfort, but please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. May God Bless you and Keep you always, and may Susannah rest in God’s Peace, which surpasses all understanding. I hope you can also find some comfort in the fact that your wisdom and insight, as shared through your essays and columns over the years is a pillar in my own life and helps to calibrate my moral compass. They have been a blessing in my life for many years. Thank you and God Bless!

  42. Dear Sir, There are no words. I have two daughters, a niece and a grandaughter and can only imagine what the loss of any one of them might be like and hope never to have that experience. You have my deepest sympathy.

  43. You are a great man and a personal hero to me Dr Hanson. I am deeply saddened by your loss and extend my condolences to you and your family from the very depths of my heart.

  44. Dr. Hanson, Our family sends your family our deepest sympathies at the passing of such a beautiful and talented young lady. Thank you for sharing her with us. We trust that the Saviors’ peace and comfort can and will support you during your hour of need.


    Casey and Rene’ Tyler

  45. Professor Hanson,

    I owe you (and by extension your wonderful family) such an incredible debt of gratitude for the tireless work you perform, both in support of the classics, and in support of a fuller understanding of the land, and man’s place in it.

    Your ability to tie the study of Classical history to our time is second to none, and your work has brought ancient history to life for me. The grace and steadfastness of you and your family shines brightly in all your work.

    I cannot imagine the grief and loss that you must bear in this time, and please know that you have my sympathy and admiration as a father. I weep for your family’s pain, and mourn your loss deeply. I can only extend to you my thoughts, and the prayers of my family, knowing nontheless that this cannot ever fully suffice for such a loss as you have suffered.

    May God bless you and keep you all in His palm, until the glory of the final reunion in His love.

  46. Dear Dr. Hanson,

    I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that God will bless you and your family with peace and ease the pain, through the promise that life is in fact eternal. I cannot begin to state how your thoughtful words of reason in a world and a nation seemingly gone mad, have brought comfort — simply by knowing that there are still men of letters of your caliber. I am thankful for you and those like you, and by extension, your family. May God bless you all, and may your memories of her strengthen you.

    Warm regards,

    GA Peel

  47. Dr. Hanson, My family wishes to offer our sincerest condolences at the passing of such a beautiful and talented young lady. Thank you for sharing her with us. We trust that the Saviors’ peace and comfort can and will support you in your hour of need.

    Casey Tyler
    Liberty, MO

  48. You have brought us so much comfort in troubled times with your insight and disciplined, true thought… I wish we, your readers, could bring you comfort in your loss. Such a beautiful, talented daughter reflecting the essence of her family! Sincere condolences.

  49. Our deepest sympathies. I cannot imagine losing a child, particularly one as brilliant and full of promise as your daughter. You’re a good and honest man and we are all glad you continue to write. There’s nothing we can say to you that doesn’t sound trite concerning an event this big. Just know we are so sorry.

  50. I cannot express how sad I feel for you and your family on the loss of such a special person. May G-d bless all of you in this trying time and give you the strength to remember only the fond memories and draw strength from the time Susannah spent in your life.

  51. Dear Dr. Hanson,

    My deepest condolences to you and your family on your terrible loss. I join with the many many others whose lives have been so enhanced by your wisdom and your eloquence, and I hope knowing you have the prayers of so many is some comfort.

    I am so sorry; may Susannah’s memory be a comfort to you all.

    Lissa Albert
    Montreal, Canada

  52. Proudly Unaffiliated

    Tears flowed again with that picture of you and your daughter when she was a young child. The pain of such a tremendous loss reminds us how wonderful and meaningful it really was. None of it ever goes away. Nor should it.

    Bless you and, again, my deepest condolences.

  53. Your writing demonstrates a fine brain and a strong heart, which I suspect is broken. Please know that you have friends you have never met, and that we share your tears, and we offer to share our hearts, full of love for you and yours.

  54. You have bolstered many of your frequent and enthusiastic readers with wisdom and courage in difficult times.
    May the light you have shown for so many other return to you and your family tenfold in your hours of darkness.
    May her memory forever be a blessing.

  55. I have been reading your NRO essays and books for quite some time. Your erudite analysis and calm voice of reason have helped me navigate through the sea of troubles that our country is currently facing. Thank you.

    I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter, and hope that you and your family are coping all right.

  56. Dear Dr. Hanson,

    We shared a cab ride in NYC some 10 years ago — one of the highlights of my life. You are an incredibly gentle, incredibly kind man. Please know how deeply sorry I am for your loss. Can’t even imagine what it must be like. We are thinking of you and your family at this time.

    God bless,


  57. Dear Dr. Hanson:

    Thank you for all your profound and enlightening comments: I rely on them for help in understanding our current chaotic scene. Please take some comfort from the fact that many people feel the same way.

    All that can be said in the face of the tragedy you are now facing is that I am very very sorry.

    God bless you and your family.

  58. Such a lovely young woman. I know we all support you in working through your grief and sorrow. We will all be here when you come out the other end.

  59. Giovanna Visconti

    For years now I have leaned on your wisdom which has taught me much and often been a relief to turn to each day.

    Upon learning of the great loss to you and your family, I find I have no wisdom, no words, to repay.

    My thoughts are with you in deepest sympathy, dear Dr. Hanson,

    Sincerely yours,

    Giovanna Visconti

  60. God Bless you and yours, Mr. Hanson. So sad to hear about your loss, but I was happy to read that Susannah had lived in Santiago, Chile, as my wife and I just moved here 6 months ago. It’s a great place to be. I promise I’ll try to make her proud and learn Spanish as she did. If she learned ‘Chilenismo’ Spanish she was indeed a brilliant young woman!

  61. attended the FPU Conservative Fund riser dinner last night. I had not heard of your terrible loss.
    Having not lost any of my children i have nothing wise to say to you. I pray God will grant you the peace of knowing that there are better places than earth and that you will treasure the memories of her time in your life. Robert Lewis…

  62. Dear Dr. Hanson,

    Please find the strength in us to what you’ve given us so much through your writings. We’ll all pray for you and your family through these difficult times. Take care.

  63. God must have needed her to be with Him.
    I can only imagine your sadness, but you will be reunited with her and I am sure will answer a lot of questions you have and have had for years.

    Our prayers are with you.

  64. God be with you and your family and grant you comfort and peace during this hearbreaking time. We know and care so much about you because you first knew and cared about us. Thank you.

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