Tanks in Ukraine and in History

Victor Davis Hanson talks with cohost Sami Winc about tanks in Putin’s war with Ukraine and then examines the history of tanks.

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7 thoughts on “Tanks in Ukraine and in History”

  1. I am surprised he dismissed tank destroyers such as the M-18 Hellcat, the fastest armored vehicle of WWII. They were quite effective actually although I agree that McNair was wrong in dismissing heavy tanks until the end of the war when of course he was dead and had no say.

    It was a matter of getting tanks to the ETO. They had to be small enough to put on a railcar and then on a ship. The Sherman fit that role. The Pershing could never be delivered in that numbers.

  2. Discussion of the cost of a Javelin antitank missile ($80,000 each) reminded me that when my son was an Army lieutenant, he excitedly told me he had been given command of a platoon armed with Javelins. “Cool!” I said. “Will you get to fire one?” “No,” he replied. “They cost too much. My guys have to train with them in a virtual environment.”

  3. My mother worked at the factory where they made the P39. Around the office, they called it “the flying coffin.”

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