
Bidengate and the Doom Loop

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The entire 2019-20 Biden candidacy and subsequent presidency were predicated on a rotten Faustian bargain. A hale Joe Biden would feign his aw-shucks, Joe from Scranton schtick. And an ossified working-class Joe’s camouflage would get the hard left elected—especially thanks to the changes in balloting laws that often saw only …

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

The Arena at Home and Abroad

Join Victor Davis Hanson as he responds to questions from cohost Sami Winc about the war in Ukraine, U.S. adversaries and their window of opportunity, the US economy, and the January 6th Committee. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

The World in Revolution

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler as they talk about the Durham investigation, revolutions and revolutionaries, the Buffalo shooting, and diversity oaths in colleges and universities. Share This

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Enter the Disrupter

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review No one in Washington called Donald J. Trump a “god” (as journalist Evan Thomas in 2009 had suggested of Obama) when he arrived in January 2017. No one felt nerve impulses in his leg when Trump talked, as journalist Chris Matthews once remarked had happened to him after hearing …

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