Liberal Frankensteins

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online This Fourth of July, what remains is the Founders’ vision of a limited government; the idea of a population united by common values, themes, and ideas; a republican form of checks-and-balances government to prevent demagoguery, factions, and tyranny of the majority; the sanctity and autonomy of the nation-state; […]

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The American Soviet

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The security forces of Bashar Assad — a thug whom Hillary Clinton deemed a “reformer,” and with whom Barack Obama was determined to restore diplomatic relations — are slaughtering hundreds in the streets of Syria’s major cities. I know that the Turkish government will express no outrage. Share

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Humanitarian Beheading

by Victor Davis Hanson Ricochet There are a number of videos circulating about from “free Libya” showing grotesque head-loppings, executions, torture and desecration of bodies, of African mercenaries who apparently were captured or killed by the rebels in Libya. Share This

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Did We Give Up on Libya?

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services President Obama has announced that America would stop attacking Col. Muammar Gadhafi’s forces in Libya. He instead hopes that others can force out Gadhafi — or that the dictator will leave through economic and diplomatic pressure. Share This

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Memo to the General: Free Speech Doesn’t Kill People, Jihadists Kill People

by Bruce S. Thornton Advancing a Free Society Citizen control of the military is one of the most important foundations of political freedom. Rather than an instrument of a powerful autocrat or king, the army in a republic serves the collective interests, security, and policies of the state as determined by the citizens through the

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Obama Still Murky on Libya

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner President Obama just gave a weird speech. Part George W. Bush, part trademark Obama — filled with his characteristic split-the-difference, straw-man (“some say, others say”), false-choice tropes. Share This

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Foreign Policy as Wishful Thinking

by Bruce S. Thornton Advancing a Free Society The current military intervention in Libya by the West has been marketed with the claim that its purpose, as French President Sarkozy put it, is “to protect the civilian population from the murderous madness of a regime that has forfeited all claim to legitimacy.” Behind this humanitarian

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Of Hawks and Flies

by Bruce S. Thornton Advancing a Free Society The international order — comprising the United Nations, interstate diplomacy, organizations like NATO, and all the other transnational institutions that are supposed to keep the global peace and deter aggression — reminds me of the Spanish proverb about laws: they catch flies and let the hawk go

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