
Victor Davis Hanson Show

Winning WWII, Greek Fires, and Mall Mobs

In this weekend episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc discuss how World War II was won, 100 fires burning Greece and smash and grab violence in Torrance mall. VDH finishes with the health of farmers. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Biden’s Record and Republican Campaigns

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about Bidenomics, Biden’s diplomacy, border and crime record, Turkey and the islands of Greece, the polls and DeSantis’ and Trump’s standing and campaigns, and affirmative action cases decided by the Supreme Court. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Making Sense of Geopolitical Discord and Domestic Chaos

VDH on the border and the US-Latin America diplomacy, the Left never paying a price, Daniel Penny’s indictment, the Biden Administration disaster, Ukraine’s counter-offensive, Greek-Turkish relations, and a cavalcade of movies celebrating Mother’s Day. Share This

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How to Weaken an Economy

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media It is not easy to ruin the American economy; doing nothing[1] usually means it repairs itself[2] and soon is healthier than before a recession. Share This

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The End of Sparta: An Excerpt

by Victor Davis Hanson As the Thebans help the freed helots build their new city of Messenê, the Argive general Epitêles decides his men are no longer needed and will head home to Argos, leaving the Thebans and Messenians to their work: Share This

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The Ancient World As It Was

by Cody Carlson The Deseret News Review of The End of Sparta by Victor Davis Hanson, Bloomsbury Press, 2011 Share This

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Occupy What?

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Playing With Fire Occupy Wall Street follows three years of sloppy presidential name-calling — “millionaires and billionaires,” slurs about Las Vegas and the Super Bowl, profit-mad, limb-lopping doctors, introspection that now is not the time for profits [1] and at some point we should cease making money, spread the wealth, punish …

Occupy What? Read More »

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The End of Sparta: An Excerpt

Private Papers After the battle of Leuktra, and the defeat of Sparta, the Thebans parley with the Spartan general Lichas, who remains as defiant as ever: Share This

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The End of the Euro?

Good riddance to a bad idea. by Bruce S. Thornton Defining Ideas The champions of the European Union once touted it as a “bold new experiment in living” and “the best hope in an insecure age.” Share This

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