
Liberal Psychoses

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media How are we to make sense of flash mobbing, the London rioting, more hatred expressed for the Tea Party, more calls for ever more debt and spending, and Barack Obama’s dive below 40% approval in the polls? Let me backtrack a bit. Share This

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Atlas Is Sorta Shrugging

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media “They Did It!” The president just concluded a frenzied “jobs” bus tour to explain why unemployment is at 9.1% — after borrowing nearly $5 trillion in stimulus the last three years. Share This

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The Inexplicables

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media There are a number of things I don’t fathom about contemporary American popular culture and politics. Here is a small sample. Share This

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The Tragic View Returns

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online In hard times, as in war, questions arise that were once considered taboo. As we approach $15 trillion run up in aggregate national debt, and confront the reality of a welfare state that is predicated on flawed assumptions about everything from demography to human nature, a rendezvous with …

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Green, Shovel-Ready Stimulus–100 Years Ago

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Huntington Lake, Calif. — Our politicians love soaring platitudes followed by little, if any, action. Share This

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Liberal Frankensteins

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online This Fourth of July, what remains is the Founders’ vision of a limited government; the idea of a population united by common values, themes, and ideas; a republican form of checks-and-balances government to prevent demagoguery, factions, and tyranny of the majority; the sanctity and autonomy of the nation-state; …

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The Factory of Selective Moral Outrage

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Democrats in Congress recently went all-out to try to pass the Dream Act, an amnesty for illegal-alien students willing to enroll — and stay — in college. Most of those who opposed it were derided as heartless at best, racist at worse. Share This

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Thoughts on the Greek Madness

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Anyone who has lived in Greece can see why the question of default or a “haircut” is not a matter of if, but when. Share This

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