
The Fannie and Freddie University

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media It’s More than Just PC The traditionalist critique of the university — I made it myself over thirteen years ago in the co-authored Who Killed Homer? — was that somewhere around the time of the Vietnam War, higher education changed radically for the worse. Share This

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Obama’s Imaginarium

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media The presidency of Barack Obama is full of funny things that need not follow any sort of logic. Share This

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Occupy What?

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Playing With Fire Occupy Wall Street follows three years of sloppy presidential name-calling — “millionaires and billionaires,” slurs about Las Vegas and the Super Bowl, profit-mad, limb-lopping doctors, introspection that now is not the time for profits [1] and at some point we should cease making money, spread the wealth, punish …

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The Moral Dimensions of Illegal Immigration

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media The New Old Debate Over Illegal Immigration The debate over illegal immigration is mostly fossilized. We know the predictable contours. Share This

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Strangers in a Familiar Land

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media High-Speed Rail? California sits in a time warp. Despite tax hikes that make our roughly 10% income tax and 10% sales tax among the highest in the nation, there is little to show for it during the last forty years. Share This

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Why Does the Good Life End?

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media A Look Back People just don’t disappear. Look at Germany in 1946 or Athenians in 339 B.C. Share This

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The Idiotic Corner

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media It is odd for a newspaper in unsigned editorials to go after a writer. But the Monterey Herald has done that on occasion with me, and with the usual ad hominem tactics and failure to offer a rebuttal, which seem at odds with basic journalistic ethics. Here is the latest with …

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The California Corridor: Some Lessons on Government Largesse From the New Frontier

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media The Great Warpath This summer it has been a softer, modern version of living in a cabin on the Great Warpath circa 1740 near Albany or Montreal (in this regard, take a look at Eliot Cohen’s new book Conquered into Liberty on the origins of the American way of war), readying …

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The Other California

by Bruce S. Thornton City Journal In 1973, as I was going through customs in New York after spending the summer bumming around Italy and Greece, the customs agent looked at my passport and said with a Bronx sneer, “Bruce Thornton, huh? Is that one of them Hollywood names?” Share This

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