
Victor Davis Hanson Show

From Ancient Greece to California

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler discuss the Greek Dark Ages and ancient Greek agriculture, the hard decision to leave California, and an appraisal of non-fiction, especially histories. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

The Faustian Bargain

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler to hear about the Biden-Stephanopoulos interview, Kamala Harris the Agnew appointment, California voters their own worse enemy, Biden makes us ask “Is a president necessary?”, and Trump v. Harris. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

From Campaigning to Ballots: Democracy At Work

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler as they examine Trump Derangement Syndrome and the 1980 Reagan-Carter campaigns, legislation to address illegal immigration, a California water update, and whether Biden can be taken off the ballot. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Things That Are Not: from “Cheapfakes” to “War Crimes”

Listen in to Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc to look at the week’s news: New York appellate court upholds Trump gag order, Biden’s last-ditch effort at the border and “cheapfakes,” Putin and North Korea’s strategic pact, Netanyahu accused of “war crimes,” California mayors in trouble, Göring record in WWII, and Willie Mays RIP. …

Things That Are Not: from “Cheapfakes” to “War Crimes” Read More »

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Gaza Negotiations and Terrorizing the American Electorate

Join Victor Davis Hanson in this news roundup with Sami Winc as cohost to examine the Gaza negotiation debacle, hostages home to Israel, protests in the streets amplify, California’s deficit also increasing in magnitude, and the hard left pundits try to terrorize the American electorate with unfounded accusations. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Water, Rural Rage, and Popular Classes

Listen in to Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about the California water madness, the Gaza pier bust, white rural rage hoax, and why the international leftists hate the popular classes. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Bleeding Civilization: from Illegal Immigration to Debt-Making Policy

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc on the Friday news round up: Biden’s executive order on the border, incendiary bombs on Israel, California assembly bill to employ illegal immigrants, pro-Palestinian students storm Stanford president’s office, and the emptiness of a Kamala interview. Share This

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