
Melancholy Lessons from Iraq

by Bruce S. Thornton // FrontPage Magazine The unfolding collapse of Iraq’s government before the legions of al Qaeda jihadists is the capstone of Barack Obama’s incompetent and politicized foreign policy. The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), armed with plundered American weapons and flush with stolen money, is consolidating a Sunni terrorist state

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America’s Middle East Dilemma

Toppling tyrants is ineffective in the long term without years of unpopular occupation. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Two and a half years ago, the U.S. pulled every soldier out of a mostly quiet Iraq. In the void thus created, formerly al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists calling themselves “The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”

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War Was Interested in Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJMedia  Leon Trotsky probably did not quite write the legendary aphorism that “you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” But whoever did, you get the point that no nation can always pick and choose when it wishes to be left alone. Barack Obama, however,

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The Progressive Gitmo Myth

by Bruce Thornton// FrontPage Magazine The swap of probable deserter Bowe Bergdahl for 5 “high-risk” Guantánamo detainees is about more than political public relations. By releasing some of the worst murderers, this deal prepares the ground for Obama’s long-term goal of shutting down the Guantánamo Bay detention facility and releasing the remaining detainees. According to

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Christians ‘Crucified Again’ for Refusing Islam

by Raymond Ibrahim //        To the awe of its readership, a recent Daily Mail article reports that the “jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and Levant [ISIL],” which is currently entrenched in Raqqa, Syria, “publicly crucified two Syrian rebels in northeastern Syria in revenge for a grenade attack on members of their group.” While the

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Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians

by Raymond Ibrahim //  Far from being repentant of the Armenian Genocide, Turkey, under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdogan, is again targeting Armenians; is again causing their death and dislocation. In the early morning hours of March 21, al-Qaeda linked Islamic jihadis crossed into Syrian territory from the Turkish border and launched a jihad on the Christian/Armenian

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The Past and the Future

by Raymond Ibrahim //  Last November Raymond Ibrahim was interviewed by Egyptian reporter Sherif Awad.  The interview appeared in several Egyptian magazines and websites, as well as American ones, such as the Westchester Guardian.  The interview follows: Awad: Can you tell us about your family and their profession and how and why they decided to migrate

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Russian Patriarch to Obama: Syria’s Christians Nearing ‘Extermination’

The leader of Russia’s 150 million Orthodox Christians begs the president not to give aid to Syrian jihadis. by Raymond Ibrahim // PJ Media  While many were fixated on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent letter to the American people, another letter from another Russian leader—this one directly addressed to the U.S. president—was missed. On September 10,

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