Post-Modern Rhetoric, Pre-Modern Culture

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler to discuss the cases resulting from the racism hoaxes, the damage of rhetoric against whites, Queen Elizabeth’s critics, energy policy in California, and the inside view of a raisin harvest.

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5 thoughts on “Post-Modern Rhetoric, Pre-Modern Culture”

  1. There isn’t any subject that I wouldn’t want to hear Victor speak about. I enjoy everything he has to say, No matter the subject, I am enraptured and intent on every word. I have been a subscriber, I think from the very beginning. From the moment I heard VDH speak of his website, I immediately signed up. $50 for the whole year. What a bargain. So rant away, tell us more about your life, farming, your family. Perhaps an autobiographical history of your family, leading up to your present day. With all the life you’ve experienced, it might have to be a series of 3 or 4. Please talk more about farming, especially the grapes. I have a house built in 1984 that came with trellised grape vines planted on two sides. The varietals, we haven’t a clue. We’ve tried all different methods of watering and cutting, but we end up with tiny grapes. Bunches that turn, from the bottom up green to purple. Painfully sweet, like Passover wine. Not being Jewish, I don’t suppose you can appreciate the meaning. I can only describe it as drinking grape jelly. Yuck!
    No matter how sweet, the enjoyment is short lived. After the Mockingbirds have fed their young the aphids suck the rest dry. We cut the bunches by August end, to feed the chickens and Turkeys we raise. They love them and the pinch bugs and spiders a delightful treat rather than an Eeek! I can attest its dirty, filthy work. The cloud of nats fly up your nose and you don’t dare open your mouth, unless you’d like a light lunch of bugs. Hope yo

  2. 6 cents a tray! I should have worked for your dad. Mine only paid a nickel. Occasionally we even used the old wooden trays, which in later years dad would use as canvases for painting abstracts.

    You describe exactly the process we used to harvest raisins. Don’t forget the fumigation before you send them to SunMaid!

  3. The self-righteous of all stripes love to make others suffer. It is a kind of justified sadism that the self-satisfied enjoy a great deal watching others go through. Dontcha know we deserve all this because the West was successful if brutal?!? Wokesters feel it is what we deserve.
    I love California but could never live there. I would leave Connecticut if I knew of a better place to go to.

  4. Your remark that the country has become almost unrecognizable is something I have thought for some time. It certainly isn’t the country I grew up in, the country which our generation (I’m 76) fought for, which my parents and grandparents fought for. This sudden transport to dystopia was most poignantly brought home to me in a conversation I had just a few weeks ago with a friend of mine who moved here from Russia 20 years ago when she made the same observation.
    I especially appreciate your analysis of how this came to be. My only question is this: is it even conceivable that the country can pull out of this? If so, how might that be accomplished?
    Thanks again, professor, for your perceptive, well reasoned and learned remarks.
    P.S. I especially loved your “raisin” stories! I, too grew up in a farming family, so I was really laughing at my own childhood memories of life on the farm which your stories brought back to mind.


    “I don’t know how they’ve gotten away with it for as long as they have done.”

    Because the elite plays victim group politics, and uses the State to redistribute wealth through taxes and the threat of violence if we serfs don’t pay up. The elite doles that wealth out in exchange for political support. And the victim group members are too short-sighted-a typical trait of human nature-that they only see that they got some goodies now, and not what happens a little ways down the road.

    How many times has that scenario emerged and played out, in human history.

    Franklin referred to this scenario, when he replied to Mrs. Powel, “A republic, madam, if you can keep it.” He and the other founders understood human nature.

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