Search Results for: mythologies of the middle east

Donald Trump and the Fed-Up Crowd

Watching Trump’s rise, America’s middle class “fed-up crowd” is enjoying the comeuppance of an elite that never pays for the ramifications of its own ideology. by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Donald Trump — a former liberal and benefactor of Democrats — is still surging. But his loud New York lingo, popular put-downs of […]

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What Obama Has Taught Us

Obama has built a legacy, all right: appeasement, staggering debt, racial animosity  by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online President Obama last week spiked the ball on the Supreme Court’s decisions to legalize gay marriage and to ratify the Affordable Care Act. Yet it is difficult to see quite how Obama had much to do

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The Global Pottersville

Where previous presidents fostered American strength, Obama revels in weakness. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Director Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life, set during the Depression, was a divine counterfactual thought experiment designed to remind a suicidal George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart) that his hometown, Bedford Falls, would have turned out to be

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When the Law Is a Drag

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media In the Ferguson disaster [1], the law was the greatest casualty. Civilization cannot long work if youths strong-arm shop owners and take what they want. Or walk down the middle of highways high on illicit drugs. Or attack police officers and seek to grab their weapons. Or fail

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Democrat Dilemmas

by Victor Davis Hanson // PJ Media Here is the problem with the old-style Obama strategy of slicing and dicing the electorate into aggrieved minorities and then gluing them back together to achieve a 51% majority. On almost every issue in this election that they should be running on, they simply cannot. And on those

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Our Truest Lies

If the truth doesn’t deserve social justice — well, tell a noble lie. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  At the end of John Ford’s classic Western, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, the editor of the local paper decides not to print the truth about who really killed the murderous Valance. “When the legend

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America in the Age of Myth

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media We live in a mythic age — but mythic in the sense of made-up. The Coastal Aristocrat In the last thirty years, I have probably spoken 200 times at a coastal university of some sort, most of which were on the Eastern seaboard.

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Rocks and Ripples

Playing it smart in the Middle East. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Fear in the U.S. of Russian nukes made strange bedfellows during the Cold War, like our relationship with the shah of Iran, Franco, Somoza, and Pinochet. The logic was that such strongmen, unlike Communist thugs, would evolve eventually into constitutional governments,

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Our Rock of Sisyphus

How goes our hard labor in Iraq? by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Where does the United States stand in its so-called global war against terror, four years after the September 11 attack? The news is both encouraging and depressing all at once.

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