Muslims and Islamists

How do extremists relate to the population in which they live?

by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online


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10 thoughts on “Muslims and Islamists”

  1. Muslim support for terrorism and Islamist movements are clearly linked to successful attacks against western and non Muslim targets. Once Islamists wage terror among Muslim populations such as ISIS, support drops. This is very telling and disturbing regarding the Muslim mindset.

  2. If Allah existed as an omnipotent god, he could kill his enemies without having to resort to the arms and hands of merely evil men. Islam is simply another example of a clever lie obtaining holiness because enough people believed it over a longer and longer period of time. Certain religions are like ********; if your wait long enough, the true but original smell fades to a tolerableness. The Islamic State is simply an odor from the past. (This post was edited by the Moderator, no pervasive language, and no threats will be tolerated)

  3. To compare the situation in Europe after WWI and the Versailles treaty with the current global conflict of believe systems, is not just a stretch, it is unfitting.
    The Versailles treaty laid the groundwork to the destruction of Germany (aka “Western Society”). It was Germany that had the most vibrant scientific, cultural and social life in 1914, it was Germany that gave most Western immigrants to America.
    The conflict itself has been around for roughly 1500 years and it is just that its current upwelling is the result of Wilson’s, Roosevelt’s and Churchill’s machinations. How so? Without the Communist patronage of the Arabic world, initially in the misplaced hope that societies could be transformed, added to the Communist bloc and the later the reasoning “my enemies enemy is my friend”, this islamic fermentation pit insulated from western pressures (cultural or otherwise), is not conceivable. Think about Nasser and the Suez Canal crisis, think Israel/Egypt 1968/1972 and the ever present Russian nuclear threat. Russian nuclear capability and what it meant to the world, is harbinger of what is to come with the Iranian bomb, a multi bomb arsenal announcement perhaps two years away.
    And while we are at it, it is quite ok to gratuitously torture Nazis (Bad Nenndorf), kill them (ala Saitsev) or execute them in haste (McVeigh – ok, just an Ersatz Nazi) – even for the most handwringing liberal (and of course, PETA). They would agree to enhanced interrogation techniques if it involves the (perceived) blond, blue eyed subhumans. I find the Nazis and their ideology ludicrous, but somebody please explain Hollywood’s infatuation with the “phantom menace” Nazis. They are gone for good (and this it is) and Germany and Austria are now impotent (double meaning ), assigned by the collectivist western elite as the nutrient wafer in a petri dish of the islamic extremism.

  4. What if… some genius folk could make a T-Rex-Godzilla-KingKong mechanical monsters, which individually could be shipped inside shipping containers, then when arrived at destination, automatically opened, grew and then ripped up the cities unfortunate enough to have ports, rail lines or roads big enough for trucks?

    Surely the Western governments could find out by satellite where these factories are located, irregardless of the country origin? And Western governments could announce the factories are targeted, and any misbehaving mechanical monsters anywhere on the planet will result in the destruction, via precision bombs, of the factories, even if in countries like Saudi Arabia, or the USA, or England, or France, or Pakistan, etc.

    In this way, those who espouse radical Jihad, and their spiritual factories… could be targeted.

    Also, pretend Saudi Arabia had the most factories distributed in and out of country, thru financial support. America could arrange the enforcement of an oil purchase embargo on that country, and any like it, so its factories stop making monsters. Blockades, even. Starve the country that kills innocent citizens.

    All of this would take, oh, about two years… not the 3 1/2 it took the US & Allies to win WWII against two of the most efficient nations on the planet.

    Hence, we conclude the allies at present have no desire, whatsoever, to have a two year war. Instead, for the purposes of Progressive alignment with George Orwell’s 1984 book, this war must be Oceana Permanent?

    Instead, the allies find it happiness to send our trigger-pullers to shoot their trigger pullers. This makes American advances in limb replacement possible. But not world peace. We could have it, but Progressive politicians insist no problem must be solved, only used to create a budget pipeline to siphon power from.

  5. This analysis makes sense. Human nature is to follow the leader who gives you a sense of pride. Pride from the fear of others, or the respect of others. Thus, warmongers naturally gain followers. If, instead of fear, the response to the warmonger is overpowering violence, the warmonger disappears, the followers find other leaders.

  6. Addition: Most, not small minority, Blacks,POTUS and FLOUS, support the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson,. Only a “dreamer” believes otherwise.

  7. What an amazing and thoughtful piece! Thank you for the historical perspective that clarifies the current situation, as well as the cultural factors at work here. Your direct math from the surveys was breath-taking — and horrible to contemplate.
    Two questions, sir, relating to your last paragraph (the prescription for the pathologies): First, there will always be a loud group claiming that inclusion and dialog and mutual respect and engagement, etc., are the only routes to resolving the issues. What is your answer to that? Secondly, shunning only works if there is an element of shame. I don’t see any sense of shame in a culture that beheads and stones its own people. Cutting off migration and goods, now that goes to the core! Thank you, again.

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